Lula will inject R $ 30.7 billion into the economy to recover popularity

by Andrea

President set up packet of kinds to warm the economy by 2026; strategy contrasts with the movement of the Central Bank to elevate interest to hold inflation

The president (PT) Presentation A set of proposals that should inject at least R $ 30.7 billion into the country’s economy by 2026. The goal is to improve the sense of well-being of the population and reverse the abrupt fall of popularity recorded in recent months. The strategy antagonizes the Central Bank’s policy from raising interest rates to reduce the economic rhythm.

Lula and allies, especially from the PT, fear the deceleration of the economy in the election year. The president determined that the ministries present proposals that can help maintain heated economic activity. The package included initiatives such as Payment of the Step, the largest number of free medicines in the popular pharmacy and the release of FGTS blocked balance (Service Time Guarantee Fund).

The amount tends to be even greater when other proposals leave the paper, such as the expansion of private payroll loans. The (Brazilian Federation of Banks) estimated that the measure may have an impact of $ 120 billion, but it is not possible to need how long this value would be reached.

This is because the result depends on a number of factors, such as the operationalization of the platform that will centralize consignment management, the credit policy of each offering institution and aspects of the economic conjuncture.

The Central Bank currently has most of the directors appointed by Lula, including President Gabriel Galipolo. By the end of 2024, the petista was the main critic of the interest rate policy commanded by the management of Roberto Campos Neto, which had been nominated by the former president (PL).

Now, the petista says that Galipole “Give a dick horse” and that has confidence in the new board. The Selic rate is 13.25% per year and can reach 14.25% at the Copom meeting scheduled for 18 and 19 March. The BC should maintain the rise cycle of basic interest to hold inflation, which is currently above the roof of the goal.

Own brand

The petista, who had his first 2 governments marked by the consolidation of social programs, especially Bolsa Familia, also looks for a new mark for its 3rd term.

Planalto’s bet is the Pé-Degia program, which offers a financial incentive for high school students from public schools that are part of the CadÚnico (Single Registry for Social Programs of the Federal Government). Throughout high school, the student can receive up to $ 9,200.

The Federal Court of Auditors estimates that the program will cost about R $ 13 billion in 2025. The government, however, reserved only R $ 1 billion in the budget bill that will still be voted by Congress. The Court of Accounts determined that the total amount is provided for in the 2025 budget.

On Monday (24.FEV.2025), Lula made a National radio and television officer in an unusual electoral tone. Used 2 minutes and 18 seconds to disclose the payment of the installment of $ 1,000 to students who passed the year in 2024. “Extraordinary”. The cost of the program for the government was R $ 12.5 billion in 2024.

The president also spoke of the degree foot and said it is a “stimulus” For those who graduated in high school to pursue their career as a teacher. The program, however, did not receive the same prestige and is little disclosed by the petista. The initiative is part of the most teachers – this offers a bonus of R $ 2,100 for teachers to enter the public network in regions with few teachers offers.

On Wednesday (26.FEV.2025), Lula accompanied by a student who was withdrawing the value he received. Asked if the foot is the hallmark of his 3rd management in Planalto, the president said that his expectation is to take the country out of educational impoverishment.

“What I think is that the foot [a marca de Lula 3]and other things we are still going to do in education, it is because we believe that education is the only formula, the fastest, for us to get the country out of this impoverishment, you know, school, that impoverishment in people’s vocational training, and for Brazil to turn into a competitive and quality country, ” these.

Disapproval increases

Lula’s search for proposals that inject money directly into the economy is a strategy to recover their popularity, since the disapproval of petista management has fallen in recent months. Search Power released on January 29 that 40% evaluate the government as bad/bad.

Datafolha Search on February 14 confirmed what the research Power Lula is at his worst moment in the 3rd term ahead of the executive.

Compare the results on government evaluation:

  • bad/bad – 40% (powerdate) x 41% (datafolha);
  • regular – 33% (powerdate) x 32% (datafolha);
  • Great/good – 24% (powerdate) x 24% (datafolha);
  • no They know – 3% (powerdate) x 2% (datafolha).

Another negative result was wide open this Wednesday (26.FEV). GENIAL/QUEST indicates that the PT government has more disapproval percentages than approval in 8 Brazilian states.

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