The Acre Military Police (PMAC) held on Friday morning (28) a meeting of operational alignment for policing at the 2025 Family Carnival, which takes place at Getúlio Vargas Avenue, near the Revolution Square.
PMAC is prepared to perform the Circumstance Terms of Occurrence (TCO) in Barracks/Photo: Contilnet
The meeting, with the presence of dozens of agents who will work in the five nights of celebration, defined the last adjustments regarding the action plan to be performed.
In the capital alone, at least 150 agents will security the event, according to PMAC Operations Director Colonel Jokebed Lima.
“These agents will act in the limited perimeter of Carnival, at 5 nights, and also in the immediate vicinity, ensuring the safety of the population. During this period, we will continue with the daily policing routine in other neighborhoods of the capital, ”said the colonel.
Colonel Cleison Oliveira and PMAC Operations Director, Jokebed Lima/Photo: Contilnet
“We have an assembled schedule, with policing reinforcement in the areas where there are the highest crime rates,” he added.
PMAC is prepared to perform the Circumstance Terms of Occurrence (TCO) in the barracks, which is nearby.
In addition to Rio Branco, there will also be public carnivals in 6 Acre cities: South Cruzeiro, Mâncio Lima, Tarauacá, Sena Madureira, Brazil and Xapuri.
“The number of police in these cities will vary according to the staff,” he said.