Since the Russian invasion in Ukraine began in February 2022, both kyiv and Moscow, have deployed a series of combat cars, including designs of the Soviet era and even relics of World War II. However, neither of the two countries has gone well with their tanks arsenal. Especially to Russia.
According to the Institute International Studies (IISS), in data consulted by the environment Moscow is losing tanks so quickly that He could exhaust his complete supply in 2026. It is estimated that they lost 1,400 tanks in 2024. In addition, “they have lost a variety of infantry combat vehicles and armored personnel transport vehicles.”
According to the data disseminated in the middle, in the first months of war, Russia resorted to its “Aging MBT existence” of the Cold War“Like the T-55, T-62, T-72 and T-80”, to compensate for their deficiencies. “These tanks show an involution in their army since the eighties.” For its part, Ukraine has received innumerable deliveries of ammunition and western anti -tank systems of its western allies, They have left the “practically decimated” roller fleet.
In 2023, Moscow finally deployed its new series of T-14 MBT tanks on Ukrainian soil with the aim of testing it in “real combat conditions.” However, “the combat cars were quickly removed from the front lines, which indicates that the platform may not work as well as Kremlin would like. ”
In statements collected by the environment, the leader of the Russian Defense conglomerate, Sergey Chemezovhe asserts that these tanks They are “too valuable” to risk the conflict. However, “analysts quickly denied this version.” In this sense, the Russian Defense Ministry explained that the T-14 does not enter combat “Due to the possible damage to the reputation of losing its prestige in combat“.
As for its characteristics, the combat car has seven road wheels, a 125 mm smooth soul cannon and a turret that can transport up to 45 pounds of ammunition. “Equipped with explosive reactive armor and the AFGHANIT active protection system, It has a greater survival capacity than its predecessors of the Soviet era“The publication concludes.