The Horoscope of the Runes March 2025. The runes have roots in ancient history, from the times of the Nordic and Germanic, Scandinavian and English tribes. In the old days they were used especially for writing but also for magic purposes. Old Runic inscriptions were found on jewelry, weapons and usual 3-century objects, but many experts agree that they existed long before.
Runes do not tell you exactly what to do with your life, but I give you a hint and you use your intuition for your next step. The future is not fixed – every man has the divine power to build his own paths. Runes are 24 magical characters with the German runic alphabet, made of stone or wood, which have ancient origins and dates from the times of the northern and Germanic tribes. Each run has a name and is associated with a certain deity, object or phenomenon. They were used to decorate weapons, utensils, jewelry or were located at the entrance of the houses. Although at that time everyone used them, the true connoisseurs of the mysteries of the runes were considered healers or magicians. Doctors treated diseases, warriors prayed for battles, hunters for a rich prey.
Aries (March 21 – April 20)
This week you can have a heated conversation, for some problems in the couple relationship. As for the negative atmosphere, you will find an opportunity to resolve conflicts. The appointment Runa – Algiz : A situation where you are now stagnating. There is no quick progress at this time. You don’t know what awaits you but it’s not another way. It is possible to open new perspectives or have already opened and receive a chance to change certain aspects of your life. The situation you are interested in will deliver such opportunities.
The Horoscope of Runes March 2025 Taur (April 21 – May 21)
Your relationship with your life partner has been facing difficulties, for a long time. End this tension and be honest with yourself and especially take your mistakes. The appointment Runa – Dagaz: The German Dagaz runs signifies the profound transformation as a result of a strong awareness. This Runa tells you that the moment is appropriate to act and get what you want, so success is ensured. In fact, there will be strong forces put in your job to have moments of revelation. It is a time of prosperity and great jumps. Therefore, you are recommended a humble, generous and grateful attitude.
Four signs that regain their powers in March 2025. Renascus as the Phoenix bird and exceed any obstacle
Gemini (May 22 – June 21)
You must avoid financial risks of any kind this week. The astral situation recommends that you do not make major investments and do not accept small things, which present certain risks. The appointment Runa – Femament (face down). Rune’s message now is about your finances. You can encounter frustrations at this time on this topic because you feel that you do not have the control you want. Now, however, is the time to take two steps in the back from any event and look at everything from a distance, to identify what needs to be done. Learn from this process you are in. Notice what happens and write down how you could change things if time would be back.
Cancer (June 22 – July 22)
You will face an unexpected and interesting situation. You have more confidence in your abilities and inventiveness, because you do not fail this week. The appointment Runa – INGUZ (Investata) : Peace, love and harmony may seem difficult to achieve, but they are available to you. If the loved one is shy and shameful, this person helps to open their heart and declare what he feels.
The Horoscope of Runes March 2025 Leo (July 23 – August 22)
You need to consider the warning signals of your body. Stop stressing your body unnecessarily, with certain procedures that do not work. The appointment Runa – Join: The German Runa Jera signifies the crops and is associated with the idea of annual. Just as the Earth offers the harvest in the form of fruit after a cycle that does not deviate from its perfect city and this harvest can be collected once a year, as well as for you the success you will reap following your sustained work. But the condition is not to expect quick results as the workers of the earth would do, the fruits do not go faster than the natural moment. Be persistent and patience. Jera reminds you that it is a time for all.
Virgo (August 23 – September 21)
You have high expectations from your life partner and you don’t want to make other compromises. Think about whether if this is the right track, for the relationship you currently have. The appointment Runa – Laguu: Lagaz’s appearance can indicate a very important woman in your life. A woman who has a strong influence on you, as the cycles of the moon influence the waves of the ocean. Do you recognize it?
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Libra (September 22 – October 22)
This week it will be difficult to interact with anyone, but especially at work. You get upset about the smallest things and you feel misunderstood by the people around you. Runa display – Othila: This is the run of beneficial winnings. It indicates the appearance of a moment when the concrete, palpable preparations will lead to tangible results. It is an excellent opportunity to learn, to become better, to expand. The new purchases are favored. Also, this run introduces you a time of blessings in which the actions taken will be successful and will bring new and better opportunities for development. It is a time when, if they are recognized, they will reward you with important benefits for your development.
Runes Horoscope March 2025 Scorpio (October 23 – November 21)
Take care of yourself more, because you risk having more health problems. Do not try to exceed your limits, because this is not indicated. The appointment Runa – Thurisaz: A present situation is announced to be complex. You try to act but you have to do it in a cohesion with external factors. Either you are afraid to face a truth and to analyze a situation clearly. Be careful that what you are trying to do not to worsen the situation. The situation does not depend entirely on you but you still need to think more about what you can do better for it.
Sagittarius (November 22 – December 20)
A week in which you can have considerable losses, which will make you regret certain non-decisions, which you have made. Try to bring effective solutions to fix situations. The appointment Runa – Wunjo (face up). Wunjo suggests that there is a period of joy and happiness for you. There is the potential to be a memorable period of your life but do not forget to share your luck with those around you, even if you do not see any benefit from you.
Capricorn (December 21 – January 19)
Any help from your life partner is helpful in the workplace. In the couple’s life you can find out a news that you can change your destiny. Algiz : What you need now is action and a right and well -fitting behavior in time; Activate all the best of you but not at a very high speed. The state of safety is now the best defense. The advice is to resist emotions and keep your mind calm and with a clear vision to handle any situation. You have to focus on making the best decisions.
Aquarius (January 20 – February 18)
In the relationship with the life partner there are small difficulties and tensions, which can be solved with great calm. The recommendation is that each of you two, not to put the pride in front. The appointment Runa – EHWASinverted. If a movement is blocked or at least it seems, make sure what you do is a correct action. There are no missed opportunities. We just have to admit that not all opportunities are suitable for us. What is meant for you will come to you and will easily fulfill at the right time.
The Horoscope of Runes March 2025 Pisces (February 19 – March 20)
It is a critical time for your job and you can lose it. Face the problems and do not hide them under the carpet, because you can be successful in overcoming the disappointment! The appointment Runa – Femament (face down). Maybe it’s time to look for advice from others. Do not stress what has passed, cannot be changed. Instead, focus in the future and on the following goals. If you learn from current situations, then it is an opportunity for much knowledge that will ensure a successful future.