The winged flower is in many respects a great pot plant, which will work for almost any interior. It beautifies them with its magnificent leaves and white wing -shaped flowers. In addition, this plant is good Natural air purifierbecause it removes harmful substances from it. In combination with simple care, it is almost an ideal pot for everyone. How to take care of her so that it grows healthy and lush?
Wing -flower is a tropical plant that requires appropriate conditions to grow lush. Fortunately, care is not complicated. Above all The plant needs a bright place with a dispersed light. Sun rays falling directly on the plant can lead to burn leaves. In addition A place for this species should be in a room with increased air humidity. For the good of the plant, it is worth spraying her leaves with water, especially during the heating season.
When it comes to, it should take place regularly and in moderate quantities. The plant prefers a moist ground, But not exaggerated, because it tolerates the stagnation of water in the soil badly. It is best to use soft water with room temperature for watering. Bad practices in irrigation of the winged flower can be one of the causes of yellowing and wilting leaves.
In addition, when breeding a winged flower, remember about such issues as removing faded flowers and yellowing leaves, And also about systematic transplantation in spring once every 2 years. An inseparable element of the care of the winged flow is also Regular fertilization that provides the plant with the right dose of nutrients. For fertilization, it is also worth reaching when the plant begins to waste, which is indicated, among others, by the yellowing leaves.
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Sometimes it happens that despite the most sincere intentions and efforts, the winged flower begins to waste, which makes his leaves yellow and fall. If you are just dealing with such a problem, this solution is for you. You don’t have to write down your plant at all, because you can strengthen it with a homemade conditioner. Thanks to her, the wingworm will regain strength, which will start to grow lush and bloom.
You can get an effective antidote for this problem by reaching for a bay list. It’s a simple way to provide the plant with valuable minerals, such as potassium or phosphorus, which are necessary for lush plant growth. To prepare a homemade conditioner from bay leaves, all you have to do is reach for several such leaves and 0.5 liters of water. Combine both ingredients and set aside until the water is darkening. Pull the leaves out of it and water your wingworm with the resulting mixture.
Interestingly, it can also be helpful Fertilizer from coffee grounds. It is also a homemade way that can restore your wingworm strength. To this end, it is enough to Coffee coffee grounds pour boiled, lukewarm water for about an hourthat the ingredients from the coffee grounds manage to penetrate the water. Then strain it and water your plant with the resulting conditioner. For the effect, pour the whole glass of this home fertilizer once every two weeks.
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