President of the Senate has signaled that it will not put any requests on the agenda, since there are already ‘many problems’ and that High Chamber of Congress’ is not the correction body of the Supreme’ ‘
The president of David Alcolumbre, took place last Thursday (28) on the issue of impeachment of ministers of stating that this is not the solution to the problems faced between the powers. In an interview with Rede TV, Alcolumbre made it clear that he has no intention of putting any impeachment request against the ministers of the Supreme Court. He pointed out that the Senate should not be seen as an STF correction body, but as an institution that respects the autonomy and authority of each power.
“We have many problems in Brazil, it will not be the president of the Federal Senate who will create another problem. The Senate is not a Federal Supreme Court correction body, ”he said in an interview with a RedeTV program!
It argued that it is necessary to update the legislation that deals with the impeachment of STF ministers, since the current norm is dated from the time of the military dictatorship and, therefore, needs to be reviewed to adapt to the present times. He emphasized the importance of each power to respect the attributions of the other, without exceeding the limits established by the Constitution. According to the senator, the departure of any of the 11 STF ministers could cause instability in a court that already faces internal divisions.
The Declaration of Alcohumbre occurs in a context of improvement in relationships between Congress and the Supreme Court. This approach was partly facilitated by actions such as Minister Flávio Dino, who anticipated the virtual judgment of an agreement between the National Congress and the Federal Government. The agreement in question aims to ensure greater transparency and traceability in the execution of parliamentary amendments, a topic of great relevance to national policy.
In less than 24 hours, the Supreme Court formed a majority to validate the plan presented by the Federal Attorney General (AGU), which was widely praised by alcohumbre and the mayor, Hugo Mota.
*With information from André Anelli
*Report produced with the aid of AI