BBB25: Carnival party had Luísa Sonza, crying and game conversations

by Andrea

The singer Luísa Sonza26, took the stage of BBB 25 On the night of last Friday (28) and cheered the confined participants. In the house, the artist let out the voice to the sound of hits as “Fashion turbo” and took advantage of the moment to announce its newest successful success of “Motinha 2.0”in partnership Dom Dennis DJ.

“Very, very good night, BBB! What a pleasure to be with this wonderful guys. I want you tonight to have a lot of fun! This is the following, out there we are enjoying the carnival a lot, so I want us to do the carnival tonight here too, ”he said.

With theme, the party also had room for new strategies, complaints and attempts to escape the seawall.

Eva, who is in the target of the leader, cried for the decision of being comforted by Delma and Guilherme. “You’re very dear, I’m sure. Everyone has seen this heart of Eve, ”said the matriarch.

“Don’t cry, no. Swallow the cry and get strong, that tomorrow is another day, my love. No one knows tomorrow. It will take the angel and are autoimmune, no one knows, my daughter, calm, ”he added.

Who also cried throughout the celebration was. In the fourth northeast, the carioca trank holder said she was missing. “I just remembered the boys,” she said about her children, Iker and Akin, in conversation with her sister, Thamiris, and the ally, Gracyanne Barbosa.

Diego Hypolito warns Vitória Strada

Another highlight of the party was Diego Hypolito who warned the leader of the behavior change of other players after the actress’s victory. “Aline said something that is true. When you are a leader, the behavior of the people around you changes, ”she said.

“It has changed. Sorry, but everyone has changed with you, ”agreed the former athlete. “Everyone, love,” he added.

Another brother who is in the target of the leader is João Gabriel, who played with Strada. “How to escape the wall,” he said calling her to dance. “Funny, right? The treatment is different! ”Sinced the actress.

Many complaints

Finally, in the leader’s room, Diego Hypolito claimed to feel something strange from the sisters, Camilla and Thamires, especially after the attitude of the trancist with victory in recent days.

Although not a voting option, the former little girl said he has his foot behind. “There was an attitude related to Thamiris that I didn’t like, that was with you, okay? I never had anything with Thamiris, but they two make the question of playing alone very explicit, ”he reflected.

“This stop of them playing alone after everything I spent last week made me colder in some ways,” said Vitória. “I was disappointed in many places. There are points that are not even their fault, are expectations that I created, understand? The moment it happened, I reevaluated my expectations, ”he added.

And more – know all BBB 25 participants


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