Time management techniques such as Pomodoro, smart goals or planning can help better organize learning. Effective for remembering is a joint learning in the group, learning aloud or Feynman method. The environment is important. TASR informed the Department of Communication and Marketing of the Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth (MŠVVAM) SR. He also mentioned other proven tips and methods for managing the upcoming testing period and tests.
The essence of the pomodoro technique is to set the timer to 25 minutes of intensive learning, followed by a five -minute break. This approach according to the Ministry supports concentration and helps prevent burnout. In connection with the setup Smart targets recommended to focus on specificity such as “In an hour I will practice a solution to five types of equations” instead of vague plans as “I will learn mathematics”. It also pointed out that Organized study plans eliminate the need for messy learning at the last minute And it advises pupils to plan learning ahead.
As it added, Common learning and the feeling that “we are all together” helps with motivation. According to him, pupils can try each other, do tests or quizzes together. Learning aloud, according to the resort, activates more senses, which helps to better remember the information and process it deeper. Revealing gaps in understanding and better consolidate knowledge by kindergarten helps Feynman’s method, whose essence is to explain the curriculum in his own words, as if teaching someone who does not know him.
The resort noted that successful learning can also help Organized table and quiet place. If it is not possible to eliminate noise, according to him, headphones can help with the mutilation of the surrounding bustle. Every person has an optimal time to learn, some are better concentrated in the morning, others in the evening, so it is important to adapt his / her own biorhythm to his / her studies.
In addition, according to him, he is appropriate Minimize disturbing factors, for example by turning off notifications on your mobile device or using applications that support concentration. “Preparing for the exams can be difficult, but if pupils break it up systematically, they will be able to keep track of and can do it with less stress. Parents and teachers can support pupils by advising them relaxation techniques and create an environment, that reduces the voltage, ” supplied the kindergarten.