There will be 12,550 PM agents and another 3,500 of the Civil Police; According to the Fire Department, 10,000 military personnel will be ready
Rio de Janeiro State Street Carnival and the parades at the Sambadrome and Intendente Magalhães Avenue will have 26,000 military police, civilians, present security agents and firefighters for security actions.
Only the Military Police will have 12,550 agents, 450 more than last year. The Civil Police will have 3,500 agents throughout the state. According to the Fire Department, 10,000 military personnel will be ready.
In the sambadrome, the Military Police will have 6 observation towers, 51 vehicles, two Shock Battalion Disorders, Videomonitoring Disorders with Facial Recognition, Drones and an Integrated Command and Mobile Control Center.
In the blocks scattered throughout the center and south of Rio, there will be magazine with metal detector at the subway stations in Copacabana, Ipanema and Leblon. In the center megablocs there will be drones patrolling, interception points and magazine with metal detectors and 6 observation towers.
“All the use of technology available today, CICC Mobile, cameras with facial recognition, integration between several private and public cameras, especially from City Hall, this whole tool [estará] focused on public safety ”said the Secretary of Public Security, Victor Santos, during an interview about the operation for Carnival. This year, the revelry will be on March 1, 3 and 4.
Human resources
According to the Secretary of Military Police, Colonel Marcelo de Menezes, this year was necessary a higher human resources management effort because it had one more day of parades at Marquês de Sapucaí and there was a 9% increase in total blocks. There are 40 more associations this year.
Regarding the fight against violence against women, the PM will have 49 teams daily on the Maria da Penha patrols throughout the state intervening in cases of harassment and violence.
The State Department of Women launched the campaign “It’s not! Respect the decision ”. It will disclose the “Rede Mulher” application and will enable more than 260 agents from the state municipalities to apply the protocol “It’s not no ”.
Turisrio (Rio State Tourism Company) provides that the hotel occupancy rate at Carnival reaches 85% in the capital and 90% in the interior. The revelers will generate a financial movement of $ 5 billion in the capital. Rio International Airport projects to receive 674,000 passengers from February 25 to March 23, 23% more than last year. Foreign tourists come mainly from Argentina.
Dry law
One hundred inspection agents will work from February 28 to March 9 in Operation Summer from post-popular hours at the main output points and night operation at points of great concentration of bars and events.
In the sambadrome, all float drivers will be tested 30 minutes before each February 28 Parade March 4 and at the champions’ parade on March 8.
With information from.