Gleisi in the joint maintains safe key with squid – 01/03/2025 – Power

by Andrea

The decision of the president () to deliver the government’s political articulation to the PT president, leaves the party in the management of the amendments safe, establishes more incisive stance in the relationship with Congress and aims to build regional stands for 2026.

The movement is an ice bucket for Centrão politicians, financial market and members of the economic team, making it clear that the ministerial reform will not have the scope and direction they desired.

Changes in ministries, in the view of these actors, would be the chance of a chacoalhão in the government, with the departure of the Civil House and the “phase” of the Planalto Palace. The expectation grew when Lula plummeted in popularity polls. But the president decided to go in the opposite direction.

The new moment of parliamentary amendments, with more transparency about the authors, will make it difficult to manage majority by the presidents of the Chamber, (-PB), and, (-AP).

In the previous model, of the rapporteur amendment and after commission, Arthur Lira (PP-AL), by the House, and alcohubre, in the Senate, distributed billionaire resources to allies. The more faithful, the greater the volume of funds. Even the opposition entered the cake to get lighter in a project or another, always the mute.

Since the plenary was not sure of those who received and how much, Lira and Alcolumbre were able to handle the construction of majorities. , the division tends to be more equal. The control of those who will benefit more or less will have to occur “in the mouth of the cashier” – SRI (Secretariat of Institutional Relations), which negotiates by the government.

Motta ally Isnaldo Bulhões (AL), leader of the MDB in the House. It would make a double like the one that was signed between Lira and Alcolumbre with former Minister of Civil House Ciro Nogueira in the Government (PL). What they both combined in Congress he made possible in the executive. They even approved PECS (proposals for amendment to the Constitution) without much debate.

Now Lula leaves with the government, in the hands of Petista Gleisi, the control of those who will benefit from the release of non -imposing amendments. Loyalty will have to be to the Executive. It is still necessary to know if it will work with a government today unpopular and dependent on a congress with a majority of center right.

The most important legislative agenda for the Lula administration, with a view to 2026, is to fulfill the promise of expanding the income tax exemption range. Then comes another Gleisi mission: to make the public clash with Congress to press for the approval of the projects, something Alexandre Padilha avoided, even when attacked by Lira.

Congress does not say clearly yet, but already twists the beak for the compensation suggested by the Minister of Finance,: Taxar who earns more than $ 50,000 per month with a minimum rate of 10% on income. The charge will affect liberal professionals who escape the highest tax burden by receiving as legal entities, such as doctors, lawyers and some artists.

One might think of popular pressure, but the problem is that PT and Lula have long been not gathering crowds on the streets and, except the right-wing right on social networks-the center that the center is based on assessing the cost of their actions today.

Gleisi also arrives in the government to reconcile the legislative agenda with the negotiation about the stands of the next election. The president does not even have a candidate for government in São Paulo and there is a lack of strong names for the Senate in the largest states.

The current PT president is friction with Lula’s favorite to replace her in the party, Edinho Silva. He works to put someone of his trust in office, and both will now need to understand each other to avoid new clashes – that, in the economic area, are already hired with Haddad.

By allocating Gleisi in the political articulation and not at the General Secretariat of the Presidency, Lula gives him a protagonism that rekindles internal disputes around his succession, either for 2026 or 2030. She will compete daily with Haddad and Rui Costa who will influence the president the most.


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