It was published, in From the Official Gazette this Friday, 28, Decree No. 11,647, which establishes a warning state in Acre due to the increase in rainfall and water courses in Acre cities. The document, signed by the acting governor, Mailza Assis, justifies the decision in the face of predictions and numbers in recent days. The deadline of the decree is 30 days.
“[…] Climate forecast prognoses point out that the February-Março-Abril/2025 quarter has favorable conditions for the occurrence of rainfall above average throughout the state and that this weather condition of high rainfall patterns results in potential and significant increase in the levels of the short time, with great probability of flooding and increasing social and economic. considerable for the population, ”he points out.
Alert decree was published this Friday, 28, in the Official Gazette of Acre. Photo: Pedro Devani/Secom
The document also emphasizes that this is a measure that aims to expedite decision making, if necessary, considering that flooding and high volume of rainfall gradually evolves.
The accompaniment is done by the command and control bodies, involving the State Coordination of Protection and Civil Defense (CEPDC); the State Secretariat of the Environment (Sema); The State Secretariat of Social Assistance and Human Rights (Seasdh) and the Military Fire Department of the State of Acre (CBM-AC).
CEPDC is also authorized to constitute multidisciplinary teams to articulate, coordinate and meet emergency situations resulting from the increase in rainfall and water courses, in which case each agency and entity of the state public administration shall appoint a full member and their alternate, and their contact information.
Decree establishes measures that must be taken in case of full of rivers. Photo: Pedro Devani/Secom
They were also authorized:
- Expenses that are necessary for the installation and maintenance of shelters, supply of inputs, equipment, machinery, vehicles, labor and others, aiming at the logistical support to the affected population;
- The adoption of urgent administrative measures deemed necessary for the maintenance or restoration of the public power’s ability to respond to the confrontation of the situation;
- Conducting informative campaigns about the situation.
There are two alerts to Acre this Friday, 28, one yellow and one orange. Reproduction/Inmet
The Acre River in the capital scored 11.64 meters in the midday measurement this Friday. The National Institute of Meteorology (Inmet) issued two warnings to the state, one yellow and one orange. The first provides rain between 20 and 30 mm/h or up to 50 mm/day, intense winds, which can reach 40-60 km/h.
Already the orange alert, establishes rainfall of up to 100 millimeters per day, with winds of up to 100 km/h. In this case, there is a risk of cutting electricity, falling tree branches, flooding and electrical discharges.
Decree leaves all organs of readiness in case of extreme events. Photo: Pedro Devani/Secom
The state coordinator of Civil Defense, Colonel Carlos Batista, says that this measure leaves all organs mobilized, if necessary.
“Most of our rivers are very close to the warning quotas. There is also rain forecast for the coming days, especially for March, so the entire state protection and civil defense system is on full alert to, if any flooding occurs or even the floods of the streams, we are ready for the rapid service and support to municipalities with the Municipal Civil Defense, ”he explains.
Batista also points out that this is a way to strengthen actions and partnerships with municipalities to mitigate and alleviate the impacts of the affected population.
“This decree alerts all government institutions so that we unite all forces together with municipal power, very fast if extreme events occur. We need to give proper response with all the seriousness necessary to avoid further damage and damage to these communities that reside in risk areas, ”he says.