Agribusiness tries to understand whether PT president will have greater influence on President Lula’s decisions, as on topics on export taxation
This Saturday’s program (29) analyzed the impacts of the appointment of the PT president, on the Secretariat of Institutional Relations. This is because Agro tries to understand whether it will have greater influence on President Lula’s decisions, as on topics on the tax export taxation.
Meanwhile, the sector was back in the sights of state and federal governments. In Brasilia, the wings suggest to President Lula the creation of export quotas or even taxation as measures to control the price of food. In state governments, the highlight was for a new tax created by Maranhão to tax the export of grain.
The also accompanies the release of extra credit of R $ 4.1 billion from the crop plan, which had been suspended for lack of resources. For 2025 there is an alert sign, as Selic should reach 15%, higher level since 2006, and make rural credit out.
In the program, was also addressed the fall of R $ 35 from the Gordo Boi Arroba and possible effects on beef to the consumer, in addition to the announcement made by Trump that China will have an extra rate of 10%, apart from the other 10% already announced. For Agro, this trade war can translate into opportunities.