I mix 1 teaspoon with warm water. After mixing, I have energy for orchids
Orchids are beautiful and popular. They enjoy unwashing popularity mainly thanks to their oriental flowers and longevity. However, orchids can be somewhat capricious and it is worth recharging them from time to time. Especially after winter they can lose leaves and waste. In this case, I always reach for my secret weapon, which is a natural nutrient for gelatin orchids. All you have to do is mix 1 teaspoon gelatin in a glass of warm water, do it very exactly so that no lumps remain. The whole should create a watery solution. Pour into a container with 0.5 liters of water and water the orchid with such a conditioned conditioner once a month. Men’s gelatin is a real energy storage for orchids. It almost immediately stimulates their development and makes the orchid grow like yeast. Nitrogen contained in gelatin will make the orchid bloom beautifully and its strengthen.
How to make proper drainage for orchids?
There is no secret in the care of orchids. These delight and can bloom even a few time to a year. Some varieties, such as Falenopsis (Phalaenopsis), sprinkle with flowers even in winter. The most important in the care of orchids is the ground and watering. Orchid likes a specific, permeable ground. It will not grow in classic pot soil without a proper ground. In stores you can buy ready -made mixtures or prepare one yourself. The ground for orchids should be light, permeable and maintaining moisture well. His attitude must be the bark of conifers mixed with peat, sand or charcoal. On the bottom of the pot, embry the stone or expanded clay. Drainage on preventing water in the pot and protect the roots from rot. In the summer, water the orchids once a week, and in winter once every 2 weeks. If the orchid leaves start yellowing, limit the watering, observe the moisture level of the soil in the pot.