Isolated beja: without a highway and with practically stopped airport

by Andrea
Isolated beja: without a highway and with practically stopped airport

Beja airport could bring many benefits to the region and the country, but it is practically empty.

The lack of direct links between Beja and Lisbon is living investments in the district. The population calls for the completion of A26 and the profitability of Beja Airport, which remains practically stopped.

The airport that is 10 kilometers from the city of Beja has a track of 3,460 meters long in a privileged area. It cost 33 million euros and results from the civil use of Air Base No.11. It began operating in 2011, when the inaugural flight was held.

Here they can land all kinds of planes, but almost 14 years later the population continues to claim their use, which could even solve the problems of the airports of Lisbon and Algarve.

The great obstacle are the accessibility: initially the connection of the linerraviary to Beja Airport was planned, as published in Diário da República in May 2021, but the work was never forward.

In Portugal there are only two district capitals without freeway – Portalegre and Beja. In 2009, the goal was to change this in Baixo Alentejo. Millions of euros spent me on expropriations, access and works of art, but the works ended up.

The Secretary of State for Infrastructures has already stated that “A26 is part of a set of investments that the government intends to make by the end of this legislature”, but the use of works of art in the requalification of IP8 may be another barrier to the conclusion of the motorway.

Whoever lives here says that the district is abandoned. For 14 years the movement of citizens “Beja deserves more” claims accessibility. It remains to be seen when it will be the end of this long way and will connect Beja to the country.


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