Radek Tesár
1. 3. 2025
3 minutes
Eggs are one of the most commonly used ingredients in the kitchen. Whether you cook them hard, soft, or prepare, they are part of many recipes. But do you know how to cook them properly to maintain all its valuable nutrients and ideal taste?
Eggs represent the basic ingredients in many kitchens around the world. Who wouldn’t like them cooked, whether soft, rot or hard? There are many tips and ways to prepare them according to the desired hardness. Some put eggs in cold water, which they then heat. According to experts and chefs, however, it is better to put eggs straight into boiling water, as it can be better controlled by the cooking time. Most of you probably know that eggs are boiled for seven minutes for soft yolk, ten minutes rotated and about sixteen minutes for completely hard. According to Italian scientists at the University of Naples, however, there is an ideal way to cook them to maintain everything you need.
YouTube video, how to prepare eggs properly, can be found on the Lidl Kitchen Channel:
Source: YouTube
How to ideally cook eggs
According to scientists at Federico II University from Naples, Italy, there is a special method to cook eggs to be perfectly cooked. It has been known for a long time that the white is boiled at a higher temperature than the yolk, specifically at 85 ° C compared to 65 ° C. The method developed by Italian scientists consists in gradual temperature alternation so that all parts of the egg are evenly cooked. You will need two pots. One with boiling water, and the other with water at a temperature of approximately 30 ° C.
Now you can boldly start cooking. Start by placing the eggs in boiling water and cooking it for 2 minutes. Then move them to the second pot with lukewarm water, which has approximately 30 ° C. In this pot, leave them again for 2 minutes before putting them back in boiling water. You repeat this process 8 times, ie a total of 32 minutes. Thanks to the temperature alternation, you will achieve ideal cooking, which is boiled evenly white and yolk and retain their optimal consistency.
As they taste perfectly cooked eggs
Although it may seem that this cooking time is quite long, it is definitely worth a test. According to the scientific group that has developed this method, eggs retain their taste and freshness in this way of cooking than in the classic way. It is a great way to enjoy eggs with ideal texture and full taste. In the end, however, it is up to you what cooking method you choose. Whether you choose your traditional way or start experimenting, it is always important to find the method that suits you best and which will bring you the desired result.
Sources: www.apnews.com, www.nationalgeographic.com, www.nature.com