Do you have a studio or just a “pidi -unnecessary” and long for animal society? These creatures are an ideal solution for you.
Animals are also joy and concern. Therefore, it is necessary to consider a few things when acquiring them. Whether it’s time, the ability to take care of the pet, but also the space in which it will live. “An animal is not a toy you postpone when you stop entertaining. Many silent souls are dependent on their owners and when they do not get what they need, they suffer unnecessarily, ”says the veterinarian, adding that many new animals of animals at first succumb to enthusiasm and then they and their wards suffer. Therefore, be responsible and if you are considering a partner in a small apartment, take into account rather smaller animals that you can give love and care. And here’s a little inspiration.
The video author, Thera Planets, will show you what animals fit into a small apartment. More on the channel
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Our ancestors kept a “ears” especially as food. Today, however, the rabbit is a sought -after pet, which lives for 5 – 9 years. Therefore, count on this timeline a little. “The rabbit is a social animal and loves movement, so you need to allow him to run around for at least three hours every day,” says the expert. The rabbit cage is also important, which should be 120 to 140 cm. The height of the cage can be different, but the larger the better for your pet, because it is known about rabbits that they like to stand on the back.
“Always place the rabbit house where there is peace and there is no heating or draft. It is important to know the IZ of the rabbit biorhythm, because the animal usually sleeps during the day and is active at dusk, when it is quite noisy, ”warns the expert. To make your rabbit benefit, they shouldn’t have been too fading him. Rabbits love rather cold, so try to keep the room temperature in the range of 15 – 20 ° C. And beware, one more little thing! Not every rabbit loves cuddling. Therefore, take into account the signals that the animal sends to you. If you are biting or scratching, the wearing in your arms will not be right for him.
Guinea pig
This animal is available in various sizes, colors and furry. So it is up to you what kind you dare. Popular guinea pig Rex, rosette, smooth -haired, American Crested, English Crested, American or Swiss Teddy.
“The advantage of guinea pig is that it is relatively social, cuddly and, unlike other rodents, is active during the day and will not wake you at night,” says the veterinarian, adding that another plus of this rodent is that you can domesticate quite quickly.
If you decide to take care of the guinea pig, be aware that it will take at least six to ten years. The operation of the rodent is not somehow demanding – just a cage, water, enough hay, granulated mixture for guinea pigs and here and there some treat (such as vegetables or fruits). And then, of course, you!
If you have an ECHT small apartment, you will appreciate Křečka. The advantage of this piditvora is the fact that it does not require much space. If you breed a dwarf hamster, a 60 x 40 cm cage is sufficient, for a Syrian hamster, which is larger, count on the dimensions of 80 x 40 cm.
Although the hamster has its world for itself, sometimes they like to enjoy your company. According to an expert, you should allow him a half -hour hike every day on your apartment, which is not so much… “The hamster lives less than other rodents. Count for 2-3 years. Therefore, it is also suitable for all who start breeding animals, ”adds the expert.
If you live alone, you will not simply get bored in this bird company. The budgerigger is quite chattering and will create a stable sound backdrop. If you are lucky, your bird will be one of the chosen budgies that can imitate human speech. So tell it in time! Otherwise, be aware that the budgerigger needs a smaller cage of 35x60x40 cm, where it could at least occasionally stretch the wings. If it is healthy, your partnership may take even 13 years.