Pour into a pruning shears before you get on pruning pink in spring. The necessary treatment will save the bushes after winter. Pruning roses in spring

by Andrea
Pour into a pruning shears before you get on pruning pink in spring. The necessary treatment will save the bushes after winter. Pruning roses in spring

Pour on the pruning shears before you start pruning roses in spring

Early spring is a time that many of us spend in the garden care for the growing plants. The period when we begin to prepare flowers in our garden in the spring is slowly approaching. There is no doubt that among your favorite flowers in Polish gardens, roses definitely rule. And due to the fact that beautiful roses are the pride of every gardener and every gardener, it is worth knowing how to take care of them, so that they sprinkle with flowers lush, which will enjoy the eye for a long time. One of the most important and basic care treatments that we perform in the early spring is pruning. It is carried out radically during this period. However, before we get to, we should do one activity, which will later translate into the safety of our plants, among others It’s about disinfection of pruning shears or scissors, which we will then cut the shrubs. When we use dirty tools, there is a risk of transferring diseases between the bushes. Therefore, spray the pruning shears with spirit, and if you do not have it at hand, use boiling water. Pour it on the pruning shears and it’s ready. You can start cutting your roses in the garden.

Pruning roses in spring. How to do it?

It allows you to maintain the desired shape of plants and remove dead shoots. It also affects abundant flowering and when buds appear. An intensive cut will make the flowers bloom later, but they will be larger and will please the eye longer. We use a sharp pruning shears for cutting shrubs so as not to crush the shoots. The way to cut the roses, of course, depends on the shrub species. We cut multi-flower roses for 3-4 stitches. We cut the discount roses similarly, but we leave about 6 buds. In the case of climbing roses of unique flowering, we remove the overwhelmed shoots and long branches growing at the base of the bush. In general, the bushes are slightly cut obliquely at a distance of 0.5 to 1 cm from the last healthy bud. If there are brown discoloration or cracks on the branch, we cut below, over the highest healthy bud. Thanks to this, strong shoots sprinkled with flowers will grow. It should also be remembered that each wound formed after cutting branches must be smelled with a gardening ointment.

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