Justifying his support, Vieira da Silva points to the curriculum and personality of António Vitorino.
Former Labor Minister José Vieira da Silva argues that the left center’s personality with the best conditions to face with the presidential elections is António Vitorino and that he will have his support if he decides to move forward with an application.
In an interview with Lusa agency, which will be released in full on Sunday, Vieira da Silva expresses the support to, also adding that I would like that in the area of democratic socialism “there was a strong candidacy” that was “a unique candidacy”.
“The name of the candidate, or the potential candidates, who I would like to see the candidacy, and that would naturally count on my support, would be the name of António Vitorino,” said the former Minister of Labor.
Justifying his support, Vieira da Silva points to the curriculum and personality of António Vitorino who this week, when asked if he considers applying for Belém, did not close the door, having referred to be “on the edge” of making a decision.
“In the situation we live, and in view of the problems we will probably live in the coming years […] there is a set of characteristics and political competences where the international dimension is very relevant, “said Vieira da Silva, considering that this panorama and the ability to” work for consensus, for commitments, to defend the European Union in the face of the risks she is living, “he points to a personality with the curriculum, with the characteristics of Antonio Vitorino.”
“It’s my opinion, it’s a very consolidated opinion. It doesn’t mean that there were no other possible applications that would have my sympathy,” he added.
In addition, the former ruler holds, Vitorino is also “the personality of the democratic left that has better conditions to face this challenge and have a winning position, either in a possible first lap or a second lap.”
Asked if there is a risk that the PS is divided, with more than one candidate, Vieira da Silva admits that this type of risk always exists, because being the presidency of the Republic that is, by nature, individual, there may be “different options” in the electoral bases of the parties, but does not hide its preference for the existence of “strong candidacy” and “desirably unique” in the area of democratic socialism.
Stressing the importance of the role of the President of the Republic, Vieira da Silva stressed that it is good that this role “be well understood and that the presidency of the Republic is a factor of stability, not a factor of instability in Portuguese political and social life”.