The band Tchakabum, a national attraction of Rio Branco’s family carnival, takes the stage at the opening of the revelry, this Friday (28).
In an exclusive interview with Contilnet, brothers Marcelo and Nem Menezes, who are part of the band, promised a concert full of hits on stage.
Brothers Marcelo and Nem Menezes, from the band Tchakabum, promise a lively show full of hits at the group’s debut at Rio Branco Carnival/Photo: Contilnet
“We have the blood of the cariocas sambistas and axé da Bahia seasoning. We can do something very crazy, ”said Marcelo.
With over 20 years of career, this is the third time of Tchakabum in Rio Branco. However, this is the first time the band plays at the carnival of the capital.
Still in the interview, the brothers played with the name of one of the most traditional dishes of Acrea gastronomy. “We like a low.”
The band has a show scheduled for 20:30 this Friday (28).
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