USA: AOVA removes the protection of transgender political rights

by Andrea
Ουκρανία: Ο Τραμπ κάνει στροφή στην εξωτερική πολιτική – Οι εγγυήσεις ασφαλείας και τα ανταλλάγματα

The US president thanked her state, which appears to be the first to remove the protection of transgender political rights, despite protests of human rights and democratic protection organizations.

“Aoeva, the amazing state where I gain a big difference every time, has a bill to remove its radical ideology from its legislation. Aiova should follow the example of my decree, saying that there are only two possible genera and approve this bill as soon as possible. Thanks, AIOVA! “Wrote today, Friday (28/2), the US president.

First, the Senate and then the local Parliament of the Aiova Representatives, a state in the Midwestern US, approved the bill that stipulates that the terms of “gender” and “genus” are synonymous and refer to the biological sex with which someone is born and not being born.

N/S will allow discrimination against trans people

Advocates of civil rights and the community complain that the bill will allow discrimination against trans people.

In order for the bill to be applied, the State Governor, Republican Kim Reynolds, who has previously approved bills that prohibit the participation of trans students in women’s sports events and the access of trans women.

In force on July 1 if signed by the ruler

Since it is signed by Reynolds, the bill will enter into force on 1 July, 18 years after Iowa adopted measures for the protection of transgender people for the first time.

Yesterday, Thursday, hundreds of advocates of the rights of LGBTKI+ community gathered in front of the Capitol of Aiova to denounce the bill, shouting “not hate in our state”.

“Aim, to make us invisible”

“The aim of the bill, the aim of every anti -billing bill is to make us even more invisible in public life and to stigmatize our existence,” Amy Witchendal, a trans member of the Democrats, complained.

Trump has repeatedly stated that he wants to abolish the “trans ideology”, as it is characterized by “Trans Delirio”, while denouncing the policies of the inclusion and diversity of its democratic predecessors.

He has signed a series of orders in this regard to which, for example, excluded trans people from the army or interrupted federal grants to organizations that allow trans students to participate in women’s sports groups.

Sources: RES-EIA, AFP, Reuters


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