USP professor enters the list of influente from “Washington Post”

by Andrea

Carlos Monteiro is responsible for the classification that defines food according to the degree of processing

Researcher Carlos Augusto Monteiro, professor of the Nutrition Department of the Faculty of Public Health at USP (University of São Paulo), was included in the list, which highlights personalities with the potential to influence society in 2025.

Monteiro stood out for his work in the new classification, which categorizes food according to their degree of processing: in natureprocessed, processed and ultra -processed culinary ingredients. He argues that it is not only the amount of fat, sugar or calories that impacts health, but also the level of processing and the presence of additives such as artificial, flavoring and emulsifiers.

The New System defines ultra-processed foods-such as industrialized snacks, sugary morning cereals and soft drinks-such as formulations made from laboratory synthesized ingredients and subjected to industrial processes such as extrusion and pre-frubstance. These products are designed to be “Hyperpalactable”encouraging excessive consumption.

Studies show that ultra -processed diets are associated with increasing caloric intake, weight gain and greater risk of developing 32 types of disease. In response to this evidence, several countries have adopted guidelines to reduce the consumption of these products.

Monteiro advocates measures such as advertising restrictions, labels, and taxation of ultra -processed to subsidize healthier foods – a similar approach to tobacco.

“We need to reorient our food policies”he said. “Educating the consumer is essential, but it is not enough to recommend moderation in the consumption of products designed to be ingested in excess”.

The recognition of The Washington Post adds to other awards received by the researcher. It had already been included in the list of most influential scientists in the world, prepared by British consultancy Clarivate Analytics, where only 13 Brazilians appear.

With information from .

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