What changes after Gleisi’s entry into the political articulation of the government? Political scientist analyzes Lula’s choice

by Andrea

Elias Tavares stressed that decision can be seen as a gesture of the president towards polarization, rather than seeking a consensus name that could move more easily through Congress

Reproduction/Young Pan News
Political scientist Elias Tavares speaks to Jornal da Manhã about the entry of Gleisi Hoffmann into the government

The recent appointment of Gleisi Hoffmann as Minister of the Secretariat of Institutional Relations generated great repercussion in the Brazilian political scenario. The decision of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) provoked reactions in both government and opposition. In an interview with Young Pan Newspolitical scientist Elias Tavares stressed that Hoffmann’s choice can be seen as a Lula gesture toward polarization, rather than seeking a consensus name that could move more easily through Congress. The minister, known for her most extreme positions, including within the government itself, will have the challenge of showing a new profile and articulating effectively with the political center.

Hoffmann’s appointment for an interlocution position with the National Congress has generated concerns due to its previous positions. There were speculation about his possible appointment to the General Secretariat of the Presidency, but the choice to command the political articulation generated noise, especially at a time when President Lula needs to make gestures to pacify the country. The president’s popularity is declining, and the choice of a PT -associated figure, rather than creating a new political environment, can be seen as a risky movement. Ministerial reform, still in progress, is perceived as a slow and uncertain process, with the departure of ministers like Nísia Trindade, generating wear to the government.

Elias Tavares also commented on the possibility of a distance from the president from his electoral base, with the appointment of Hoffmann being seen as a wave on the left and the PT. However, there are no clear signs of a nod to the center. The political scientist pointed out that the PT has lost part of his identity over the years, with many of his party pictures running out. Hoffmann’s appointment may be a gesture to strengthen the party, but the center’s behavior is still uncertain. According to Tavares, instability in government is evident, with ministers trying to act quickly in the face of uncertainty about their permanences.

Check out the interview at Jornal da Manhã


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