When to plant plants on the balcony so that they do not freeze? The gardener explains

by Andrea
When to plant plants on the balcony so that they do not freeze? The gardener explains

The winter period is slowly coming to an end. Temperatures outside the window are rising, but with exposing seedlings to the balcony Do not hurry. Frosts are still a fairly common phenomenon, so there is a significant risk of freezing flowers.

When it comes to Planting plants on the balcony in Marchthis should be focused only on frost -resistant species. It is among others primrose Whether pansy. W April The temperatures are already slightly higher, so you can put it on the balcony, among others crocus, narcissis Whether daisy. However, you still need to watch out for night frosts – if necessary, some flowers should be moved after dark to a warmer place or use agrotextile to cover them.

Most gardeners recommend Planting flowers on the balcony in May. Then the risk of freezing plants decreases significantly. Then you can plant, among others petunia, begenie Whether Pelargonium.

While preparing seedlings it is worth remembering a few important things. One of the most important is proper selection of the substrate. It’s best to use fertile soil for balcony flowers. It is also worth preparing drainage in pots – Thanks to it, the risk of rotting roots can decrease significantly.

By placing flowers on the balcony, it’s good pay attention to the exposure. The balconies directed south are exposed to a sharp sun – some plants can disturb too much sunlight.

In addition – in early spring it is better not to exaggerate with watering the plants placed on the balcony. Then The evaporation of water is less intensethan during the warmer months.

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