When to sow the lawn to have a thick and luxuriant grass all year round

by Andrea

A green and thick lawn makes every garden welcoming and luxuriant. The choice of the right period for sowing and the use of adequate techniques are essential to obtain it.

For an optimal result, you must consider the climate, the type of grass and the quality of the soil. The choice of seeds is not accidental: each variety has specific needs of temperature and humidity. It is not enough simply to spread the seeds and wait for growth, but it is fundamental adequately prepare the ground. A thick and resistant lawn is obtained by choosing the right time for sowing and following the correct distribution techniques.

You must know that poor or badly prepared soil can compromise germination and slow down the development of the lawn. For this reason, it is essential Arierare, fertilize and level before sowing. Following the right precautions, you can get a lawn healthy, homogeneous and resistant all year round. Are you ready to discover all the secrets for effective sowing? We will guide you step by step!

The ideal time for sowing lawn

To get a lawn dense and resistantit is essential to sow in the right period, based on the type of grass chosen. There are two large categories of seeds: microterme e macroterme.

The microterme (like Loietto, Poa Pratensis and Festuca Arundinacea) develop better in temperate climates. The best time to sow them is in primavera (March-April) or in fall (September-October), when soil temperatures are around 10°C. Avoid too cold periods: ice cream soil hinders germination and slows down the growth of the lawn.

The macroterme (such as Gramigna, Zoysia and Bermudagrass) prefer higher temperatures, so sowing must be carried out Between May and Julywhen the ground exceeds i 20°C. This guarantees rapid and uniform germination. If you choose this variety, be careful of weedswhich can compete with the still young lawn.

Regardless of the type of sowing, it recalls that the land must be prepared in advanceto guarantee the ideal conditions of growth in the seeds.

How to prepare the ground for a sowing of effective lawn

A well -worked soil is essential for the growth of a lawn healthy and uniform. Before sowing, follow these fundamental steps to make sure the ground is ready to accommodate the seeds.

  • Remove debris and weeds: Use a rake or a sparkner to eliminate stones, roots and vegetable residues.
  • Disrested the ground: works the ground with a hoe or a motorcycle up to 20 cm deep. The soil must be soft and draining.
  • Correct the composition of the soil: if it is too humid, add organic material; If it is too dry, mix sand to improve drainage.
  • Level the surface: Use a rake to eliminate differences in height and make sure the lawn grows evenly.
  • Feel the ground: spread a specific fertilizer, dosing it at about 150 g per square meterto guarantee the seeds all the necessary nutrients.

After these steps, let the ground rest for a few days, monitoring the growth of any weeds that could hinder sowing.

Sowing techniques for a perfect lawn

Once the ground is prepared, you can proceed with sowing. The mode depends on the size of the lawn and the tools available.

  • If the lawn is small, hand sowingdistributing half of the seeds in one sense and the other half in the opposite direction to ensure uniform coverage.
  • If the surface is wide, use a spare machineadjusting the dosage to obtain a homogeneous distribution.
  • After sowing, slightly compact the ground With a rake or roller to encourage contact between seeds and soil.
  • Irrigate delicatelykeeping the humidity level constant in the days following sowing.

A lawn sowed correctly begins to sprout within three weeksas long as you receive adequate water, light and treatments.

What to do after sowing for optimal growth

After sowing, it is important to follow some precautions to encourage the development of the lawn and protect it from any problems.

  • Keep the constant humidity: watering regularly, avoiding stagnation of water.
  • Protect the lawn from birds: uses networks or scarecrows to prevent the seeds from being eaten.
  • Avoid walking through it: in the first 12 monthsthe lawn is still delicate and could suffer damage if subjected to stress.
  • Make the first cut when the grass is 10 cm high: This stimulates growth and strengthens the turf.

When to sow the lawnWhen to sow the lawn

Following these indications, yours Prato will always be thick and luxuriantready to transform your garden into a green oasis all year round!

Photo © Stock.adobe


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