Account of the eroded popularity went to Lula’s lap – 03/01/2025 – Elio Gaspari

by Andrea

It has the popularity eroded while eight governors are going well. One of them, from Goiás ,.

Since alligator opened his mouth, numerous explanations have emerged, all based on reality. There is one more: it was to Lula the account of a locked government, in which he anointed two superministry:, from the Civil House, and from the farm.

Setting aside the fact that the two do not bite each other, Haddad got the good news of the economy, passing through the spine of the fare. It was skilled, but she would go to another lap and is in Lula’s.

With Rui Costa the opposite happened. He accepted the role of Bedel of the ministry, which was given to him by Lula early in the government.

Both dreamed that the Civil House would tape the study of the “genius ideas” of the ministers. This only worked in the government of General Emílio Médici (1969-1974). From 2024, it resulted in the transformation of Rui Costa into a manager of the lock. Did the PEC of Public Security have crashed? Did the creation of climate authority jam? All the fault of the Civil House drawer.

Almost all ministers guarantee that they have ideas stopped at the Civil House. In some cases, Rui Costa had or has little to do with the lock.

Security PEC has not walked because the minister believed in petist dreams. Climate authority is bogged down because Lula does not want to be trouble with Minister Marina Silva, from the environment.

Lula is not Médici, Haddad is not Delfim Netto, and Rui Costa is not Leitão de Abreu, head of the General House. And even if they were, Brazil of 2025 is not the dictatorship of the 70s.

The account went to Lula’s lap because I had nowhere to go.

Lawyers and Engineers

O. In addition to the 553,500 doctors to the engineers, it is seen that there are two lawyers for each of these professionals. Few statistics portray so well a country that walks behind.

China has 6.7 million young people in engineering courses. This number exceeds the 4 million Brazilians who have a college degree. China has 1.4 billion inhabitants against 211 million Brazilians, yet the signal remains, with the Chinese walking forward.

To make matters worse, this is explained by several factors, from the cost of colleges to salaries for those who leave college. These managers and managers take care of companies in an economy that walks aside.

It’s worth looking back.

In 1886, in Germany, Karl Benz patented a gasoline -powered vehicle. In the United States, engineer Nikola Tesla obtained his first patent and two years later registered his alternating electric current engine.

In Pindorama, this same year would be known for the vigor of debates for abolition.

In it, lawyer Inácio Martins presented a project that prohibited the whipping of enslaved blacks. In his discussion, the telegram of a Judge of the Paraíba Valley that reported:

To each of the slaves condemned to 300 whipping, 50 at a time were applied in the days when they were able to suffer them without danger.

According to the opinion of two doctors, these whipping did not compete absolutely for the death of the two slaves. Such is also the judgment of the people who saw their good condition before and when they are delivered to the envoys of Valle. (Valle was a farmer, owner of the blacks.)

Great abolitionists like Joaquim Nabuco and Luís Gama were lawyers. Brazil walked back because the projects and ideas of engineers like André Rebouças were on paper.

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