Carnival 2025: revelers should be aware of blows on the streets

by Andrea

Digital Security Specialist highlights the risks associated with the use of credit and debit cards; It is also important to redouble the care of cell phones

Marlon Costa/Agif/Estadão Content
Rooster da Madrugada, the world’s largest street carnival block, parades through the streets of downtown Recife

With the arrival of, it is crucial to be aware of the common blows that can occur during the revelry, thus avoiding unnecessary headaches. In the midst of the party, the distraction of revelers becomes an opportunity for criminals, who take advantage of agglomeration to apply in various ways. Digital security expert Daniele Ferreira highlights the risks associated with credit and debit use. According to her, the scammers approach people to perform high values ​​transactions, causing significant financial losses. To avoid this type of scam, the expert recommends that the revelers keep her cards stored in a wallet or cardstore, making it difficult to read NFC.

Another common blow during the carnival is the exchange of cards. Criminals, disguised as salespeople, exchange the reveler card for another while it is distracted, watching the password entered in the machine. To prevent this situation, Daniele Ferreira suggests that the revelers check the card as soon as they get it back, checking if the name and the last four digits are correct. In addition to the cards, it is important to redouble the care of the use of, as many revelers use the approach payments. The expert recommends having two cell phones: one for bank issues, which should be left at home, and another for use during the revelry.

In case of mobile or card theft, it is essential to register a police report, which can be done online, and contact the financial institutions to report the incident and request the exchange of passwords. Delegate Fernanda Erbel, from the São Paulo State Tourist Care Division, stresses that the Civil Police are prepared to meet any occurrence during Carnival. Police stations near the large blocks will have reinforced shifts, and tourist care police stations will have fluent police officers in foreign languages. In addition, women’s police stations will be ready to meet cases of sexual harassment.

An important tip to inhibit the action of criminals is the use of dolers. These small accessories can be used to safely store money and documents, keeping them near the body and out of light hand reach. With these precautions, revelers can enjoy the carnival more easily, focusing on fun and celebration, without worries about possible blows. Remember, security is a priority, and being prepared is the best way to ensure that the party is just joy.

*With information from Alvaro Nocera

*Report produced with the aid of AI


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