Minister Maria Elizabeth Rocha, who assumes on March 12 the presidency of the Superior Military Court (STM), defends the distance between politics and barracks so that there is no mix between the two and states that civil power has to guide military power.
“I have always positioned myself in the sense that civil power and military power are distinct. And civil power, he has to guide military power, ”the minister told CNN Interviews.
The next STM president is in favor of approval in the National Congress of the proposal that obliges members of the Armed Forces to move to the reserve if they want to be candidates for elective positions.
“The active military cannot merge into political affairs. I often say that when politics enters the barracks, hierarchy and discipline leave, ”said the minister.
“Overall, I think these constitutional obstacles for the military to integrate direct and even indirect administration to be placed in the Political Charter, because it is healthier for democracy and less dangerous even to the democratic rule of law,” he said.