Derek Lunsford beats Arnold Classic Ohio 2025 – 03/01/2025 – Muscle

by Andrea

Derek Lunsford hit Samson Dauda on Saturday night (1st) and became champion of the Arnold Classic Ohio 2025 in the Open category. The Nigerian athlete is the current Mister Olympia, which accredits US bodybuilding as the main favorite to resume the best in the world at the end of the year.

If Lunsford confirms his favoritism and resumes Olympia’s title this year, he will repeat the feat that only Ronnie Coleman (2001), Dexter Jackson (2008) and Brandon Curry (2019) have managed to beat the two most important competitions of worldwide bodybuilding in the same season.

In late 2024, the hitherto preparer of Lunsford, Hany Rambod, announced his retirement. Given the situation, the bodybuilder had to start the 2025 season with a new team, which includes Brazilian Fabrício Pacholok in bodybuilding training and Chris Aceto in charge of the dietary and hormonal protocols.

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