In the cultivation of the wingworm, you focus on various treatments, such as watering, but forget about exaggeration? Meanwhile Transplanting of the wingworm is necessary For several reasons:
- Root development – over time, the roots of the winged flower can completely fill the pot, which limits their development and access to nutrients,
- Fresh Earth – the ground in the pot loses its nutritional properties over time, and its structure deteriorates,
- disease prevention – regular exchanging of the Earth avoids the development of pathogens and molds,
- Aesthetics – an exaggerated winged flower gains on appearance, and new leaves give it freshness.
The best date is Early spring, preferably in March or early April. This is the period when the plant begins to grow intensively, and exaggeration at this time allows it to quickly acclimatize in a new ground. Spring exaggeration also stimulates the growth of new leaves, which makes the plant more lush.
Although spring is an ideal time, transplanting can also be carried out in the summer, However, hot days should be avoided. In winter and autumn, exaggeration of the winged flower is not recommended, because the plant is retired and it will be more difficult to regenerate.
- Preparation of a pot and ground – choose a pot 2-3 cm larger diameter than the previous one. Make sure the pot has drained holes to prevent water stasis.
- Prepare the appropriate substrate – the best will be light, permeable, with a slightly acidic reaction (pH 5.5-6.5). You can use ready soil for pot plants or prepare a mixture of peat, universal soil and perlite. Pour the drainage layer (expanded clay, gravel) to the bottom of the pot.
- Removing the plant from the pot – before transplanting, water the plant so that it is easier to remove it. Gently remove the wingworm, being careful not to damage the roots. If the roots are strongly tangled, you can relax them slightly.
- Planting a winged flower – place the plant in a new pot so that the root neck is at the same level as before. Pour back the roots with fresh soil, gently kneading it.
- After transplanting.
After transplanting, the wingworm needs a few days to adapt. You will help him through this through Choosing the right position (The winged flower does not like direct sun, so it is worth placing it in a place with diffused light). Maintain moderate moisture of the ground, but avoiding. Wing -flower likes high humidity, so it’s worth it spray his leaves with water.
If transplanting was carried out correctly, in The first new leaves can appear after a few weeks. It is also worth ensuring the fertilization of the plant, using fertilizers for green plants every 2-3 weeks from spring to autumn.
See also:
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