The growing in Brazil has negatively impacted the popularity of. This increase in prices, particularly foods, has pressured the cost of living, resulting in increasing dissatisfaction with the government. According to Quaest research, in the most populous states. Even in the Northeast, the traditional stronghold of Lulism, reflecting a loss of confidence in economic management.
It has a huge weight in the way families perceive the. Studies show that consumers form their inflationary expectations based on the recent memory of increases in essential items, a phenomenon known as the hypothesis of skewed expectations (BEH). When consumers tend to anchor general inflation, regardless of official indices. Since foods are often acquired, its volatility directly affects the family budget and shapes the perception of economic stability.
Given this scenario, families adopt to deal with the increase in the cost of living. These include product replacement, choosing cheaper versions or lower cost brands. A common example is the Sea Sea Prioritization of lower quality items. But what to do when even the?
Another strategy is the reduction of consumption, either by buying less than certain items, either by eliminating non -essential diet products. This cut especially affects meat and dairy, impacting nutrition and food safety. Research indicates that inadequate protein intake can and aggravate public problems such as anemia and malnutrition. In addition, families who have financial conditions can sometimes resort to preventive inventory formation. This behavior may lead to momentary market scarcity and, in some cases, new price increases due to the discharge in sudden demand.
These changes in consumer behavior impact the market and reinforce the perception of economic lack of control. In the long run, it can increase health problems, raise medical care costs, and reduce workforce productivity by creating a deeper inequality cycle.
Thus, for much of the population, the price of food is the thermometer of economic management. When costs are perceived as uncontrollable, the government is responsible, regardless of macroeconomic indicators. The crisis of confidence generated by this dynamic is especially visible in the Northeast, where discontent with increasing inflation threatens traditional support to the government.
It is also noteworthy that families do not analyze inflation for the official index, but by. The beans that faced, the meat that disappears from the dish and are the elements that shape the economic perception of the Brazilian. The government, however, does not seem to be paying due attention to the problem, and the lack of effective answers can further deepen the crisis of confidence of the population.
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