Improvised immobilization of broken limbs, which people remember from military exercises, is not recommended by rescuers. If a fracture is suspected, it is necessary to seek professional help. This stems from the recommendations sent by TASR the Emergency Medical Service (ZZS) Zamed. He calls for caution and safety during the spring holidays.
Rescuers pointed out that winter sports or icy trails are signed by injuries year after year. Frequently include limb fractures, sprains and stretches, especially in the area of the knees and ankles or head injuries. “Back injuries that arise especially when falling, but also incorrect movement, are not an exception.“Monovated.
The main paramedic Zamed Rastislav Krcho explained that it is important to immobilize the limb if a fracture is suspected. “Be sure not to try to remedy it yourself,“He added. The improvised immobilization of broken limbs is, in his words, only for extreme situations where professional help is not available.
According to rescuers, rest, ice, compression and elevated position of the injured part can help with sprays and stretches. “You can cool the affected area. But not directly on the skin, but by something cold, which you wrap, for example, in a clothes or towel, “ It specifies Krcho, saying that after cooling the affected area it is good to pull it slightly, for example by an elastic bandage.
Rescuers also warn of frozen water surfaces that can be treacherous. “When overlying under the ice, not only hypothermia, but also drowning, is threatened,“They explained. They advise the accident not to risk and not to enter the weakened ice.” We always summon the rescue units first, and only then we can try to help, for example, by submitting a branch from the shore, or throwing a sufficiently long rope, “said ZZS director Matej Polak.
Polak recalls that the pitfalls may also be on social networks during the holidays, where a dangerous paracetamol challenge has recently appeared. As he explained, he encourages young people to enjoy high doses of paracetamol. Then they have to shoot a video about what is happening to them. “Overdose may also occur unconsciously, for example, with the wrong combination of drugs. This is all the worse when it is deliberate, either as an attempt to do harm or in the fulfillment of nonsensical internet challenges“said Polák.
He pointed out that the symptoms of overdose may not occur immediately. As he added, toxic are the substances that arise after the distribution of paracetamol in the human body. “As long as symptoms occur, it can pass more than half a day. At too high doses, there may be irreversible damage to the internal organs,” concluded Polák.