There are human people who live surrounded by water and can handle several minutes without breathing: they have a different anatomy. But after all, what is missing?
How many times do you have to breathe to go from side to side of a normal pool? By norm, We can stand between 30 and 90 seconds before we start hyperventilating and surface climbing.
But this is not the case with Budimir šobat, a 56 -year -old Croatian who, in 2021, was not breathing under water for 24 minutes and 37 seconds, beating the Guinness. Before diving, it breathed pure oxygen.
According to, there are even people whose natural habitat is water. The Bajau people have lived in the waters of Southeast Asia for over 1000 years. They feed on their own fishing… submarine.
Os Bajau dive up to 60 meters deep, and spend several minutes under water. One from the magazine Cell It has proven that these people have different physical characteristics from ours, which allow them to live almost like marine beings. Have, due to a mutation in the DNA, a spleenthe organ responsible for storing and filtering the blood, very large.
But how do you train to spend more time under water? With insistence on training. One tip is not to try to “swallow” all the air you can get before diving: it should, on the contrary, slowly breathe. If we have nothing, we can handle less time than if we get still.
Unlike marine mammals, which have their muscles full of Myoglobin (similar to hemoglobin, as it contains iron and can store oxygen), man is not made to spend a lot of time under water.
During long dives, carbon dioxide and lactic acid accumulate in the muscles, making them more acidic. The myoglobin is less affected by acidity than hemoglobin, which is why we can’t spend many minutes without surface.
However, there were already who (but, of course, it was not thanks to its supersonic lungs, but to a great engineering work).