If dollar has risen because of Gleisi, it will fall; She will be a good surprise, says Alckmin

by Andrea

Vice President and Minister of Development, Industry, Commerce and Services, Geraldo Alckmin, defended the choice of Gleisi Hoffmann, current president of the PT, to command the ministry responsible for the political articulation of the government. Hearing that the dollar had closed in part by the nomination of President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT), Alckmin replied that if that is why, the currency will fall because the deputy will be a “good surprise” at the Secretariat of Institutional Relations.

“Trump can’t interfere. Now, if it is because of Gleisi, it will fall. It will fall. You can be sure, because it will be a good surprise. It has legislative experience, Federal Chamber, Senate of the Republic, Executive and Party President, ”the minister told journalists.

For the vice president, Gleisi will improve the government’s political relationship with Congress precisely by the vast political experience of the parliamentarian, who was a senator and occupied the Civil House during the Dilma government.

If dollar has risen because of Gleisi, it will fall; She will be a good surprise, says Alckmin

“She was a minister of state, she was a senator of the Republic, can have a good dialogue with the Senate. Federal Deputy, then has a good dialogue with the House. And party president, a good dialogue with political parties. And woman. So you have a woman who has legislative experience, was a senator and is a federal deputy, and minister, knows the executive branch. And still chairs a large party, so it improves the dialogue with the other parties that is needed, ”he said.

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