Surfer Italo Ferreira, 30, tested, and approved, last Thursday (27), the first pool with waves for surf practice of the city of São Paulo.
The pool, which belongs to the São Paulo Surf Club and is located in front of the Octavio Frias de Oliveira Bridge – known as a cable bridge -, in the Pinheiros River marginal, goes through testing phase.
In an interview with UOL, the Potiguar surfer, born in Baía Formosa (RN), said he was eager to see the pool up close. “Being one of the first surfers to test this technology here at the club was something unique. I tested and is more than approved. I can’t wait to reach the inauguration.”
Approved in the tests, the pool is expected to be open to the club members in the second half of this year.
World Champion in 2019, Italo Ferreira was the first surfer to win the modality gold medal at an Olympics in 2021. Surfing became Olympic sport at the Tokyo-2020 Games, played in 2021 due to coronavirus pandemic.