Law of Attraction: Method 369 Nikola Tesly – How to Make your Wishes

by Andrea

Nikola Tesla was an extremely interesting person who had his whims. He loved the numbers and believed in their deeper meaning. The law of attraction, or method 369, is based on its favorite three.

Nikola Tesla: genius and weirdo

Today, Nikola Tesla is more than just a discoverer and a man who was not afraid to think, as they say “Out of Box”, or beyond the friends. Although Tesla was a scientist and engineer, he hover around him, or rather around his monument, the fog of mystery, speculation and conspiracy. It’s not that strange. Every great discoverer is a bit of a weirdo, if not almost crazy. Moreover, in the past, people have also considered different behavior that we understand much better today. Weirdo or genius? Probably both.

For example, it is known that Tesla loved the numbers and gave great importance just three, six and nine. According to him, these figures kept the key to knowing the universe.

Tesla also walked around every building three times before he entered it. Today we could think that it shows some behavior of people with Asperger syndrome. We would definitely look for a very reasonable explanation.

What is the 369 method? This will also explain this post from the YouTube channel Senend.

Source: YouTube

The power of affirmation, the power of your brain

Tesla numbers 3, 6 and 9 really considered it extremely important, and the 369 method is based on repetition of different behavior just so many times. It is nothing but affirmation.

Affirmations are a positive statement or sentences that one repeats to strengthen his own mental and physical condition. It is definitely not a quack. Although all plays with the human psyche can definitely be cleverly wrapped so that it seems that it is magic, the power of higher powers or even the entire universe.

Affirmation or repetition of specific ideas or even slogans really affects not only our feeling, but also performance. Affirmations work on the basis of brain neuroplasticity. They help strengthen positive thinking, improve self -confidence and achieve goals. It also reduces stress and anxiety.

Simply what we claim to ourselves in affirmation affects chemical reactions in our body.
For example, it is well known that if the practicing training session supports themselves with the motto “You have it!”, His chances of achieving the result are significantly higher. Of course, this must be a realistic result. Using affirmations is nothing special even in elite training centers. Afirmation will not do 10 moves for you, but it will help you push to handle it.

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Teslova 369 Method

And now to the promised method. If you want a little mysteries then the number 3 is to symbolize the connection with the universe, 6 your inner strength and 9 faith and hope.

Afirmation should be positive and formulate it so that it is short, concise. In addition, your statement needs to sound as if you have achieved your goals. “I’m confident and strong.”
“I deserve love, health and happiness.” And so on.

As for the method itself, it consists in systematic writing and repetition of affirmations in a specific order.

  • In the morning after waking up, say or on paper, write an affirmation three times.
  • Write or repeat the same affirmation at noon six times.
  • Write or say nine times in the evening before going to bed.
  • Repeat this for 33 days.

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