Aromatic herbs are perfect for the kitchen, but making mistakes in their cultivation can compromise their growth. Find out how to avoid them!
Aromatic herbs like mint, parsley and rosemary They are perfect for those who want to always have fresh ingredients for the kitchen at hand. However, many people make mistakes that compromise their growth. If you want to get luxuriant and fragrant plants, you must pay attention to how cultivation.
Even if it may seem easy to cure plants, there are details that make the difference between healthy growth and a weak plant. Exposure to sunlight, the quantity of water and the type of soil are fundamental aspects to consider. In this article you will discover what are the five most common errors in the cultivation of mint, parsley and rosemary and how to avoid them to guarantee the best possible development to your plants.
Mint, parsley and rosemary: choose the wrong place for cultivation
One of the most frequent errors in cultivation of mint, parsley and rosemary It is not correctly evaluating exposure to light. These aromatic herbs have different needs, therefore positioning them in the wrong place can compromise their growth. The Mentafor example, prefers an environment shaded or with indirect lightsince the sun directed for many hours could dry out its leaves.
Il parsleyon the other hand, needs to At least 4-6 hours of direct sunlight per day to develop at best. Finally, the rosemary It is a plant that loves the sun and grows luxuriantly only if exposed to a lot of sunlight. If you grow all three plants in the same space without respecting their specific needs, you risk not getting the desired results.
Water too much or too little
Irrigation is another critical factor in the treatment of aromatic herbs. Mint, parsley and rosemary require different quantities of water, and it is essential to find the right balance. The most common error concerns excessive irrigation, which can lead to radical, or insufficient rot, which can cause dehydration. Here are some key points to remember:
- Menta: it needs always moist soilso water it often, but without creating stagnation of water.
- Parsley: require moderate wateringavoiding both excess and prolonged drought.
- Rosemary: prefers Well drained and sporadic wateringletting the earth dry between one -off and the other.
If you want your plants to grow healthy, you have to adapt the amount of water to their specific needs and always check that the soil is neither too dry nor too humid.
Use the wrong ground to grow mint, parsley and rosemary
The type of land in which you grow mint, parsley and rosemary makes a big difference for their growth. Choosing an unsuitable substrate can prevent the development of the roots and limit the absorption of nutrients.
The Menta prefers a land rich in organic and well -drained substanceswhile the parsley grows better in a substrate fertilized and slightly humid. Il rosemaryon the other hand, needs to a sandy and very draining soilbecause the stagnation of water does not tolerate.
If you want to get the most out of your aromatic plants, Avoid planting them in any soil and be sure to choose the most suitable substrate for their needs.
Do not prune the plants regularly
Many think that aromatic herbs don’t need to be pruned, but Regular pruning is essential to stimulate vigorous growth and prevent rapid deterioration of the plant. First of all, regularly cut the larger leaves and flowers. If you let the plants flourish without control, they risk losing energy and producing less aromatic leaves. Here are some useful tips:
- Menta: Cut the long stems to encourage compact growth.
- Parsley: Remove the flowers to prevent the plant from exhausting too quickly.
- Rosemary: It shortens the long branches to prevent the plant from becoming woody and not very productive.
Regular pruning not only maintains healthy plants, but also guarantees constant production of aromatic leaves.
Plant mint, parsley and rosemary without considering the growth of the roots
Another very common mistake is Do not evaluate the space necessary for the roots of aromatic herbsespecially when they are planted in pots.
The Menta It has a very invasive radical apparatus and tends to expand quickly; So, it is better to grow it in a separate vase to prevent other plants from being suffocating. The parsleyon the other hand, develops a denseing root, so it needs a deep vase To grow well. The rosemary grows slowly but its roots need to sufficient space to expand.
If you want to guarantee the well -being of your plants, Choose vases suitable for their growth and regularly control the development of the roots to prevent them from remaining forced in too small spaces.
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