Place these flowers in March. If you do it well, they will bloom until autumn

by Andrea
Place these flowers in March. If you do it well, they will bloom until autumn

Dalie (Dahlia) are bulbous plants from Central America. Thanks to their immunity and extraordinary beauty, they have won the hearts of gardeners around the world. We can find Dalie of various sizes – from miniature, ideal to pots, to high varieties, which can become the main decoration of flower beds.

Features that distinguish Dalie:

  • The variety of colors – dalie occurs in almost every color, except blue. You can find both one -colored and two -colored varieties,
  • flowering length -,
  • Easy in cultivation – with proper care they are not very demanding.

That the Dalie would bloom as soon as possible and enjoy our appearance for many months, It is worth starting their preparation in March. Here are the steps to take:

  1. Selection of tubers – choose healthy, firm tubers without signs of mold or damage. Avoid soft or wrinkled tubers that can be sick.
  2. Preparation of the substrate – Dalie is growing best in fertile, permeable soil with a slightly acidic or indifferent reaction (pH 6-7). It is worth digging the soil and adding compost or manure.
  3. Soaking tubers – before planting, tubers can be soaked in lukewarm water for a few hours, which will help them root faster.
  4. – If in March the soil in the garden is still too cold or moist, it is worth planting tubers for pots at home or in a greenhouse. Just plant them at a depth of about 5-10 cm, and set the pots in a bright place at a temperature of about 15 ° C.

If we decide to, it is worth waiting until the end of March or early April, when the risk of frosts is less.

  • Planting depth – we plant tubers at a depth of about 10-15 cm, retaining 30-60 cm depending on the variety.
  • Place – Dalie feel best in sunny places, sheltered from the wind.
  • Watering – after planting tubers, water them moderately. Excess water can lead to rot.

In order for Dalie to bloom abundantly and long, it is worth taking care of them throughout the season, focusing especially on regular, but not very abundant watering and multi-component fertilization every 2-3 weeks to help. It is also important removing faded flowers, which stimulates the plant to produce new buds. At a later stage of growth, consider supports – high dali may require supports so that they do not break under the weight of flowers.

When the first frosts come ,. Worth then dig tubers, clean them from the ground and leave them to dry, and then transfer to a cool, dark and dry place (about 5 ° C), storing e.g. in sand or peat.

See also:

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