PM Entity should go to the STF against GCM name exchange – 02/03/2025 – Panel

by Andrea

Contrary to the idea of ​​some mayors, such as (), Defenda SP, which brings together nearly 2,000 active officers, reserve and retired, intends to go to (Supreme Court) to

This is what the Military Police colonel Luiz Gustavo Toaldo Pistori, president of Defenda SP (Association of Military Officers of the State) and Fermesp (Federation of State Military Entities).

“The STF’s decision only endorsed the activities already foreseen to civil guards, such as patrolling and ostensibility in public areas. It has not brought news. But they have politicians who are making a narrative war,” said Pistori.

In, Itaquaquecetuba was the first to make the name change after STF decides, on Thursday (20), that municipal guards can act in ostensive policing and hold prison in the act.

In the capital, Nunes will try to sanction the change in the coming weeks. There is already a project in the City Council of São Paulo that provides for the exchange of name approved in the first round-the government base will try to approve it second after the Carnival week.

Pistori stated that entities representing the PM plan to order embargoes for declaration so that the Supreme Court eliminates contradictions and makes the decision clearer to curb the mightful of mayors.

The subject became a agenda in the Supreme Court after the São Paulo City Council Attorney’s Office appealed from a decision of the Court that prevented GCM from acting with police power.

In a post on social networks, Defend PM says Nunes “decided to run over the Federal Constitution and disrespect institutions.” The association also states that “political maneuver will generate confusion in the population”.

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