With the arrival of Carnival, politicians mobilize to enjoy the prolonged holiday, whether for rest, revelry or official appointments. President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva (PT) is in Montevideo, Uruguay, for the inauguration of the new president of the country. The return to Brazil is scheduled for Saturday afternoon (1).
The Secretariat of Social Communication (Secom) of the Presidency has not yet released Lula’s agenda during Carnival. Last year he remained in Brasilia during the holiday.
The governor of São Paulo, Tarcísio de Freitas (Republicans), also chose to rest. He plans to spend the holiday at Boa Vista Palace, official winter residence of the state government, in Campos do Jordão, accompanied by the family.
Alcolumbre parades in Macapá
Other politicians have decided to go out in the revelry and have already published the festivities on social networks. Senate President David Alcolumbre (Union-AP) will take advantage of the holiday in Macapá, his electoral base. On Instagram, he posted a video in the city’s sambadrome, parading with the North Zone Empire School. The theme of the school’s samba-plot was the senator’s family.
“Thank you at heart for the beautiful tribute to my grandparents, Isaac Menahem Alcolumbre and Alegria Peres, and everyone who helped build Amapá with so much love and dedication,” wrote Alcolumbre on the social network.
The mayor of Recife, João Campos (PSB), and the deputy Tabata Amaral (PSB-SP), have already been present at the revelry. The couple took advantage of the beginning of the carnival in the traditional Block Rooster da Madrugada, in the capital of Pernambuco. The governor of Pernambuco, Raquel Lyra, who will leave the PSDB to join the PSD, also participated in the festivities and shared videos on social networks taking advantage of Carnival in the state.
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Ricardo Nunes went to the sambadrome
Already the mayor of São Paulo, Ricardo Nunes (MDB), was on the night of Friday (28), at the Anhembi Sambadrome, in the north of the state capital. “The energy of the sambadrome is contagious, but what makes me more proud is to know that we organize a party of great happiness and inclusion. São Paulo is still the largest and the best carnival in Brazil, ”he wrote on Instagram.
In turn, the mayor of Rio, Eduardo Paes (PSD), also delivered, on Friday, “The Keys of the City” to King Momo Kaio Mackenzie, officially marking the opening of the carioca carnival. The traditional ceremony was held at the city’s palace in Botafogo, in the South Zone.
Deputies Valmir Assunção (PT-BA), Rogério Correia (PT-MG) and Pedro Campos (PSB-PE) also published photos taking advantage of carnival blocks on their electoral bases.
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The Minister of Racial Equality, Anielle Franco (PT-RJ), and Deputy Erika Hilton (PSOL-SP) will parade at Rio de Janeiro Carnival.