When on August 8, he stormed fleetingly in the center of Barcelona to star in a six -minute rally, Carles Puigdemont said goodbye to his unconditional with a doubt. “I don’t know when we’ll see each other again,” he said, slim. Puigdemont managed to make fun of the device that the Mossos d’Esquadra had mounted and escaped to Belgium. Now, he confesses to his circle of confidence that before summer he can return to Catalonia without setting up a scary new. He former president He points out that he has confidence that his amnesty is definitely resolved within a nearby period, by mediation that the way back.
The expectations about their personal situation advance in parallel to the negotiations that Junts per Catalunya maintains with the PSOE to try to achieve some concession that serves to justify support, even lukewarm, to Pedro Sánchez. After ordering the withdrawal of the issue of confidence against the president of the Government, Puigdemont has chosen to reduce the confrontation with the Executive before a crucial phase of the negotiations.
With the arrival of the month of March, one year of the announcement made then presidentPere Aragonès, to anticipate Catalan elections. The calendar has turned around, the Generalitat is in the hands of the PSC, the independence has been set out from power in Catalonia and ERC presumes to have achieved a condonation of the debt of the Autonomous Liquidation Fund (Fla) and to be able to specify progress in a new financing model. But Carles Puigdemont’s watch does not mark the hours. The president of Junts is still installed in Belgium for risk to be arrested if he returns to Girona and his party fails to tear the government concessions that contribute show. “In a few weeks, agreements that are already specified would have to materialize,” said Jordi Turull, general secretary of Junts, in the appearance he organized to explain to a matter of trust.
Puigdemont himself went out to temper the reaction of his party to the agreement for the removal of 17,104 million euros of the flash. The operation, negotiated by ERC with the Government, deserved a first angry answer by the Junts address in Barcelona: “Experience shows us that it can be a new scam, that they want to give us cat for hare.” : “That now a part is forgiven, it is better that nothing is forgiven.”
Juns perfects the tactic that squeezes but does not drown. His spokesmen do not miss any opportunity to point out that “confidence in the PSOE is deteriorated”; But, to try to unlock any of the commitments acquired by the leadership of the independence party ,. The transfer to the Generalitat of immigration competencies is an issue that brings together to Juns. It was publicly announced that the treatment was made, but the formalization of the agreement still does not arrive.
The transfer of issues related to immigration management causes many misgivings in the Ministry of Interior, and the Government does not want to leave issues such as the surveillance of border posts or the power of decision on the issuance of documents such as the NEC (foreign identification number). But Junts insists that the transfer has to be integral. The issue is raised in terms of all or nothing because the direction of the party has assumed that there is much at stake.
Beyond the credit chute that would win the training to exhibit revenues with the PSOE, and be able to counteract the list of benefits that ERC disseminates, to tie the control of immigration would serve to compete with the thrust of the. Aliança Catalan makes a dent in the interior regions of Catalonia, traditional fief of convergence, first, and Junts, then, and announces ability to sneak beyond the conservative spectrum of Catalan. As the newspaper advanced We buywho was a candidate of ERC in Amer, a hometown of Puigdemont, has affiliated with Aliança Catalan.
That the announcement of a point of understanding can be close to it is supported by the reduction of joining tone, and gestures as the recent one as a advisor to Aena. The former deputy of Junts, who became a business counselor with Quim Torra, joins the aeronautical manager after having accused the company of imposing a “unilateral blackmail” and of giving a “colonial” treatment to Catalonia.
Juns presumes “maintaining the position” and avoids appearing as a match with leg tremor. When justifying the withdrawal to the issue of trust, Jordi Turull’s allusions squeezed an alleged express request from the diplomat that verifies the meetings between Junts and the PSOE. The power of the diplomat Francisco Vélez was unknown to define the Juns roadmap, since just a few days before Miriam Nogueras, vice president of the party and spokesman in Congress, had stated that “the proposition not of the law on the question of trust must be maintained.” Nogueras went even further: “We did not consider withdrawing it in any case.”