We use some plants in the kitchen as a supplement to meals and drinks. This is the case with the popular mint that is available in supermarkets. But why not grow it on your window sill? It will become a beautiful decoration of the kitchen and will always be at hand.

Put the mint now and enjoy its rich crop throughout the year without having to leave your home. This plant is grown very easily, so it can be handled by the beginning gardener. See the most important information about mint care.

Mint growing – how to do it right?

Mint can also be obtained from seeds from cuttings. The other are recommended, because in a new place to take off much faster.

  • To plant this aromatic herb we need a relatively large flower pot with drainage holes. The plant grows rapidly and drainage ensures drainage of excess water and prevents the roots from rotting.
  • It is necessary to pour the soil into such a flower pot and make a hole into it with a spatula. Pour a few seeds in it or place the seedlings in it. By default, the mint is watered after planting.

How to grow mint at home? The most important rules

Mint is best planted in spring or autumn. Then we can expect a very rich crop. This is also influenced by the selection of the site. Place the plant in a place with average sunlight. It can be light twilight. Too much sunlight, however, burns its fine leaves.

This aromatic herb will grow well if it is planted in fertile soil with neutral or slightly alkaline pH. We must also ensure sufficient watering. Water it quite often, even daily.

However, be careful not to overcome the plant, as its roots begin to rot. In order to germinate the mint, it is necessary to ensure a temperature of 12 to 20 degrees Celsius. Then be sure to cut regularly. This will promote the growth of new shoots of the plant.

How do you use mint in the kitchen?

In the kitchen we can use fresh and dried mint. In the latter case, we store it in a container if we have too much crop. This herb is suitable for salads, especially those with fruit. It gives them a refreshing taste. The same applies to drinks, ie water, tea, lemonade, cocktails. Another use of mint in the kitchen is to add desserts. It is perfectly suited to cakes, ice cream or chocolate. Few know that they are also suitable for meat dishes. It can be made of sauces and marinades.

It excellently stimulates digestion. Drink a cup after a meal and feel relief