Reinaldo Teixeira presents candidacy for the presidency of the Portugal League later this month

by Andrea
Reinaldo Teixeira presents candidacy for the presidency of the Portugal League later this month

Algarve Reinaldo Teixeira has its team and project defined and will officially present its candidacy for the presidency of mid -March. The candidate has been collecting club supports of the first and second league, including the four great Portuguese football, which already expressed support in December.

Solid support and continuity project

In recent months, Reinaldo Teixeira has been in direct contact with sports societiesreinforcing your position as a candidate for the leadership of the body that generates professional football in Portugal. During Last Summit of Presidents of the Portugal Leagueseveral clubs once again expressed support for their candidacy.

The candidacy is based on a continuity projectaligned with the LEGATE OF PEDRO PROENÇA and with the interim mission that is currently being performed by Helena Pires. The focus of your program is essentially strengthen the financial sustainability of clubsan area that has considered a priority.

Experience in Portuguese football and professional path

Reinaldo Teixeira has a long route linked to Portuguese football. AND Portugal League Delegate since 1995 And, since 2015performs functions as Coordinator of the delegates and evaluators of the Portugal League. In addition, it has played an active role in Algarve Football Association for over 20 yearsentity that presides since 2019.

Natural of the Algarve, Reinaldo Teixeira also has a passed as a player and sports manager. Was footballer of AC to leaveAlgarve club where it later assumed directive functions.

Out of sport, stood out as a manager, having founded, in 1983one Business Group currently integrated 46 companies and employs about 700 employees.

With a solid path in football and sports management, Reinaldo Teixeira presents himself as a Experienced candidate with strong support to assume the presidency of the Portugal League.

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