See Eunice Letters after Rubens Paiva’s disappearance – 03/01/2025 – Power

by Andrea

Correspondences from Dona Eunice Paiva. Report on the Human Rights Defense Council on February 12, 1971. to the MDB leader on February 22, 1971. to the President of the Republic on March 22, 1971.

The header of the case in the House of Representatives about the disappearance of Deputy Rubens Paiva summarizes the appeals made by Eunice Paiva to authorities of the country.

The files contain original and partially unreadable manuscripts and are part of the approximately 200 documents gathered by Sheet In the National Archives and the US embassy that allow the timeline to redo since the disappearance.

The letters were not contemplated in the movie, indicated to, based, son of Eunice.

Eunice Paiva describes first how her house was brutally invaded by agents of armed aeronautics, on February 20, 1971. “The invaders of the house were nervous as if they were going to take a device from a fortress, I don’t know.”

“Rubens managed to calm them down, asked them to keep their weapons so as not to scare the children and employees and were unlikely to accompany them,” writes Eunice.

Following, she deals with her arrest and her daughter, Eliana.

“On the 21st, twenty-four hours after Rubens’ arrest at 11 am, the police called me to report that the house was going to be released, but that Eliana and I would have to accompany them to make statements, but we would come back next.”

Eunice also describes the days in prison.

“I was arrested 12 days, of which 7 days with body clothes, without any hygiene material (comb, toothbrush, towel, soap, etc.), absolutely incommunicado, without news of my home and my smaller children and unknowingly because I was interrogated several times, I was agreed for interrogation at dawn,” he writes.

She also says she didn’t know who the interrogators were and that the questions were always about Chilean letters. During the time she remained detained, the agents assured that Rubens – who died under torture on the night of January 21 – was still at the scene, she says.

“All the time I was there told me that Rubens was also stuck upstairs, that he was being questioned and denied everything.”

The meeting with Cecilia Viveiros de Castro, who had been arrested with Rubens, is also reported, as well as the place of detention: the DOI -Codi (Detachment of Information Operations – Barão de Mesquita Internal Defense Operations Center).

Rubens Paiva’s widow also talks about habeas corpus to free her husband and the army’s reaction.

“In response to Habeas-Corpus’s request filed in favor of Rubens, the command of the 1st Army reported that Rubens was not arrested in any unit of the 1st Army, but that the army would investigate the versions that the patient was kidnapped, which was never done.”

“The next step was the interview that the family got from Minister Buzaid on February 20, dirty report follows,” Maria Eunice Paiva signs.

In the letter to the minister and the board, Eunice summarizes the events making an appeal.

“It is, therefore, the letter of the mother, who knew the huge surprise, would better say the indignation, maintained in the most intimate of herself, to watch the arrest of a daughter, as well as, as well as she, for her presence, subjected to psychological trauma, terribly brutal in her age, the interrogations of the so-called Brazilian police methods; From the violent, incommunicable prison for 12 days, interrogated hours without end, and isolated from the world, in conditions of physical and human environment that is better not to mention, to, perhaps to have the grace, one day, to forget; of his wife, who still today knows the luck of his husband, the destination where he is, of the real accusation that made his family that reached. “

A month later, without receiving answers ,.

“We ask the head of the nation, the justice that must result from the obedience of laws. To my husband, who is an honorable Brazilian, cannot be refused in a country like ours, Christian and civilized, the fundamental right of defense.”

The correspondence was attached to the process opened by Eunice to the Council of Defense of the Rights of the Human Person, which would eventually filed in August 1971. In addition to her, on January 27, Eliana wrote to the then deputy and leader of the MDB, Pedroso Horta, reporting events and asking for help in locating parents.

“My mother, my brothers and I were in a kind of house arrest for 24 hours after my father’s arrest. I saw Mom’s anguish and now mine, without understanding what happened as well as my minor brothers. During these hours friends went to visit me and consequently were arrested without the slightest explanation,” writes Elena, who continues:

“I was then taken with my mother to prison, I’ve spent the night in a cell. With all this, I’m no longer the same girl, but I am also seen in a different way by friends,” he says.

The report was produced. THE Sheet collected documents that are now organized and available to the consultation. See here.


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