SIC is a leader in prime time from Monday to Friday, sic news grew 12%

by Andrea
SIC is a leader in prime time from Monday to Friday, sic news grew 12%

SIC continues to lead prime time from Monday to Friday and reaffirms it as the favorite season of the Portuguese regarding information. In February, the Impresa Group television had the soap opera and the most viewed entertainment program in the country.

Jornal da Noite has contributed to reinforce leadership on weekdays, driven by well -known public rules, such as Cold War, now issued on Sundays, a major report, special report, SIC investigation and SIC polyographer. Also at lunchtime, the first newspaper was again the most seen by viewers.

SIC Notícias has a 12% growth compared to January, achieving the best result of the last four months, especially in the morning, between 10am and 1pm, with the renewed SIC News Morning.

In the digital universe, Opto was surprising again, reaching a new record and closing February with the best month ever.

In entertainment, SIC soap operas continue to mark the public’s preference. The inheritance, which hit the screens a month ago, has been led since the first episode. The promise remains the most viewed soap opera of Portuguese television, while Senhora do Mar was the most accompanied at its time throughout February.

The Impresso station finished the month with a share of 13.7%. Daily, more than four million Portuguese contacted the SIC channels.


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