Foam on tea is a common sight when brewing. Some, as soon as they see her, immediately decide to get rid of the contents of the cup or cup, pouring it into the sink. They almost automatically prepare a new drink because they are not sure if the previous one was suitable for consumption.
In fact, it is unnecessary waste of water and herbs, because Tea foam is not really dangerous at all. Natural processes occurring during brewing are responsible for its formation.
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Tea foams during brewing due to its natural chemical compounds. They are primarily saponinsthrough which the characteristic bitterness is felt in the drink.
They are to prevent plant diseases and pest attacks. This is their main task, but They also reduce the surface tension of the water, which causes bubbles to form on the surface of the popular drink after flooding.
Faming tea is often a sign of high quality infusion. Usually this phenomenon occurs after flooding the least processed products and, consequently, the richest in nutrients.
So more often good quality green or white tea. If the bubbles appear after brewing the usual cheap express tea, but this explanation should not be accepted. In this case, it is most likely about tea dust particles present in it.
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Jif you want to prevent the formation of foam on tea, try to flood it with water with a slightly lower temperature(of course, if it is recommended for a specific type of infusion).
ZThe technique of pouring water into the cup also has a technique. Try to reduce the height of the water stream while flooding the teaif you want to minimize the chances of characteristic bubbles.