The PCP bit the bait – and saved the government of Montenegro

by Andrea
The PCP bit the bait - and saved the government of Montenegro

António Pedro Santos / Lusa

The PCP bit the bait - and saved the government of Montenegro

Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, Minister of State and Finance

The Minister of State and Finance said on Sunday that “there is no justification” for the government to present a motion of trust if the censorship motion announced by the PCP – that Pedro Nuno Santos has already said that the PS will not make it possible – to be rejected in Parliament.

In the statement to the country pronounced this Saturday by the Prime Minister in the sequel to, Luís Montenegro to present a motion of censorship-but admitted a motion of trust “If there is no clarification” of positions.

Soon after the speech, the secretary general of the PCP, Paulo Raimundo announced that your party will present a censorship motion to the governmentthat “is not in a position to respond to the problems of Portugal and does not deserve confidence.”

The motion of communist censorship, the second that the government faces within days after February 22 was the motion presented by André Ventura, it is also already Failure.

Pedro Nuno Santos It has advanced, this Saturday, that The PS will not make it possible the CPP censorship motion and reiterated that will vote against a motion of trust If the executive presents it.

In a statement at the headquarters of PS/Porto, the president of the PS considered that the Prime Minister was “arrogant and irresponsible” And it is an “instability factor”.

“I regret that The PCP bites the bait released by the government. The PS has also said it will not make a motion of censorship viable. We did not make the last and also We will not enable this motion of censorship”The PS leader responded to journalists when asked about the censorship motion announced by the PCP.

The PS leader warned that If the government presents a motion of trusto “PS WILL SHEET THIS MOTION OF TRUST”, Stating that the socialists have no confidence in the executive of Luís Montenegro, a position that Pedro Nuno Santos had already assumed in the debate of the censorship motion of the arrival.

“The PS does not want instability, the PS wants clarifications that are due to all Portuguese,” he said. For Pedro Nuno Santos, if the Prime Minister “does not resign and thinks he is able to rule” So you must assume that and do not transfer this responsibility to Parliament.

The government of Luís Montenegro was not wasted tackle do PCP.

In an interview with RTP3, the Minister of Finance, Joaquim Miranda Sarmento, said this Sunday that rejection of “two motions of censorship” It means that “Parliament understands that the government can continue to govern.

“The Portuguese Communist Party has just announced that it will present a motion of censorship. Apparently it will be rejected Because the PS secretary general has just said that he will vote against it, ”said the Minister of State and finance.

“Therefore the Parliament returns, 15 days later, to reaffirm that the government has the necessary conditions to govern”, Said the minister, who considers that he is the Assembly of the Republic“ to whom the government responds ”and that will say again that the executive “has all the conditions to continue to govern.”

Apparently Montenegro launched the bait, the PCP bit, and the government is dispensed with presenting a motion of trust that could have difficulty seeing approved. The motion of censorship, on the other hand, seems to be splash.

The government looks not being interested in electionsthe PS apparently not either. KNOW KNOWS SE O PCP will be “And if I wouldn’t know after all that Isco was biting.”

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