The Pope suffers two episodes of acute respiratory failure

by Andrea
The Pope suffers two episodes of acute respiratory failure

He papa Francisco has suffered this Monday Two episodes of acute respiratory failurealthough they remain “lucid” and in “reserved” forecast On its 18th day admitted to the Hospital Gemelli de Roma.

“Today the Holy Father has presented two episodes of acute respiratory failure caused by an important accumulation of endobronchial mucus,” reads the Vatican daily statement.

These episodes have caused a New crisis of “broncoospasm”. Therefore, two bronchoscopies have been practiced and aspirated “abundant secretions”.

Francisco has had to resume the “non -invasive” mechanical ventilationalthough, the Vatican adds, ha remained “always lucidoriented and collaborator “.

The 88 -year -old pontiff is admitted to the Rome Gemelli Hospital from The past February 14 for one bronchitis with polymicrobial infection to which a bilateral pneumonia.

The forecast is still “Reserved”that is, that doctors do not clarify the possible evolution of their clinical status, after having spent several days in “critical” state.


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