Under the new treaty, Russia and Belarus will consider an armed attack on one of the countries as an act of aggression against the entire union state.
Belarusian President Alexandr Lukashenko signed a ratification of the contract between Belarus and Russia, which provides Belarus as the closest ally of Moscow Security Warranty, including the possible use of Russian nuclear weapons. On Tuesday, the Belarusian news agency Belta informed about it, TASR writes according to the TASS report.
Lukashenko and Russian President Vladimir Putin signed a contract on December 6, 2024 in Minsk. According to the Russian TASS agency, the countries have committed themselves to supporting each other by all methods and means agreed and authorized by international law. In the event of a threat to the security of one of the Contracting States, the parties are obliged to take relevant measures in political, military and other areas.
Russia and Belarus will consider an armed attack on one or the other country as an act of aggression against the Union State of Russia and Belarus as a whole in accordance with the Treaty. In such a case, adequate retaliatory measures will be taken using all the forces and capacities they have at their disposal, writes TASS.
Under the Treaty, Moscow and Minsk consider Russian nuclear weapons to be an important factor for the prevention of nuclear military conflicts or military conflicts using conventional weapons, as well as a deterrent that can only be used as an extreme solution.
Russian nuclear weapons may be used in response to the use of nuclear weapons or other weapons of mass destruction against any contracting party – Belarus or Russia. They can also use them in the event of conventional weapons attack against Russia or Belarus if this attack poses a critical threat to the sovereignty or territorial integrity of the contested country.
The decision on the use of Russian nuclear weapons, which are deployed in the Belarusian territory to protect it, will be taken within the procedure that Russia and Belarus set, TASS added.