The deck has prepared a special promotion to make this carnival even more excited. Throughout the holidays, those who make purchases through the App Deck are automatically participating in a $ 200.00 in Consumption.
With each order placed, a lucky number will be generated/ Photo: Contilnet
The promotion began on Friday (28), the first night of the party, and ends this Monday (3). The draw takes place live on Instagram @vemprodeck on this Tuesday (5), at 18h.
With each request made, a lucky number will be generated, ie the more orders you make, the more chances you will have to earn.
But beware! The promotion is valid only to this day, so run and don’t let this chance of earning $ 200 to consume on deck. Make your requests through the app and you will be competing.
Do not be left out of this promotion and enjoy the best of deck in this carnival. The more requested, the more likely to win!