He informed, on Tuesday (4/3), that the final lists of those approved in the are available after new verification.
To access the new classifications, simply access and login with the Gov.br account. The CNU approval is scheduled for this Friday (7/3).
Disclosure of final results
- The information will be released in “” on the official CNU website.
- The candidate may consult the final individual results for each of the positions in which he signed up.
- Notes will be available in objective and discursive tests and the evaluation of titles, as well as the result of newsstands (for candidates with disabilities, blacks and indigenous).
- The applicant will have access to the final grade weighted in each position and classification in each position: wide competition and quotas.
- Following, your situation will appear in office: approved in immediate vacancies; Approved in waiting list/reserve registration; summoned for training course (for 9 positions of blocks 1 to 7); and eliminated (according to the respective items of the notice).
However, after lists, some inconsistencies in the final placement of the unified contest were raised, and a verification had to be done together with the event organizer, the Cesgranrio Foundation.
According to MGI, the verification occurred during the weekend and indicated that, “when processing the final list of results, the system considered dropouts for training courses without the new calls for the same vacancies.”